Thursday, November 21, 2019

USA, bastion of fake freedom and fake human rights lectures China on Hong Kong

Predictably, Chinese Communist Party is not happy at the US congress creating bills having to do with how China handles the unrest in Hong Kong.  While it's pretty clear that escalation of the situation is bound to happen between CCP and Hong Kong, it always amuses me how the US acts offended if someone meddles in our affairs but we think we are free to tell others around the world how they should be living their lives.

It's actually sad in some ways because it shows how two faced we are as a nation.  We have NO problem fomenting regime change using various tried and true methods, including economic sanctions that punish the innocent people of a foreign country in hopes that it will get bad enough that they go risk their lives overthrowing their governments in order to avoid starvation.  We are happy to kill foreign leaders even though that is not our role in the world.

In any case, China is now demanding that Trump veto the bill thus leaving Trump to decide if he should look weak and acquiesce to Chinese demands or to throw a permanent wrench in the resolution of the trade war.  For all I know, this new bill was Trump's idea.  If China wants his help, they need to give trade concessions.  In that case he could just say that if HK people want to be free then they have to earn it with their own blood, just like the USA had to earn it back in the 1700s.

On the other hand, if China won't agree to a deal then Trump can sign the bill and act like the savior of Hong Kong while putting us all at risk of world war.  I'm quite sure that Trump really doesn't care what happens to HK.  In fact if I'm honest, neither do you or I.  Oh sure, I write about it and I wish them luck in determining their future but if asked to go risk my life or the lives of my children or spend my money helping them I would opt out.  I know there will be plenty of challenges in the USA that might require me to risk life and money for my country and for that I will opt in.

Bottom line is that if HK wants a fair shake they better damned well start spending some of that legendary cash they have and go buy guns and anti tank munitions, etc.  They better go kill off their Chinese-picked leadership in the middle of the night and install a local patriot.  All of that is on them to do or to buckle under and accept slavery under the Chinese.  There is not going to be some grey area on this.  With China its "my way or no way at all".  The best thing we could do for HK is to set up untraceable arms sales to the people there.  When China rolls in the armor, the HK people must be ready to take them out with easily transportable TOW missiles.  This is what it does to a monster Russian T71 tank.  Another is the shoulder fired Javelin.  It doesn't take too many of these to wipe out a tank assault, especially given that the main way between China and Hong Kong is via a bridge.

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