Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pensioners are going to get stiffed.

Bloomberg reports that "Severe $15.8 trillion  pension crisis looms worldwide.", attributing this comment to the G30.  It means that the top 30 countries in the world will be a combined 15.8 trillion shy of their pensions being fully funded by 2050.  I hope people don't pay attention to a word of this.  It is liberalism 101 to tell enough truth to get people to think you are sincere and then in the last 5 or 10% of the story you lie your ass off in order to send the false message that you want to send.

In this case, they tell you everything is under funded, and you can also infer that its underfunded at the end of a huge stock market expansion.  What do you think is going to happen when markets finally revert to the mean, or worse?  Do you think that funding gap will get better?  No way.  It will double or triple. 

AND THEY KNOW IT just like anyone who is not being misdirected or led around by their nose.  There is no way they are going to last until 2050 before a pension crisis occurs.  They have less than 5 years IMO. By that time the interest rates will be skyrockets, the markets will have lost 75% and we might even find ourselves at war.

All this talk of 2050 is simply to make people think the issue is not imminent.  But if you understand elite speak which is to say Orwellian double speak you know that when they say we have until 2050 that they really mean something bad is going to happen much much sooner.

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