Sunday, November 17, 2019

Escalation in Hong Kong

The news reports that Hong Kong police are done with all the protests and have now begun "mass arrests" with the credible threat of "live fire" for those who will not comply.  As I have always said, government is nothing more than a process of handing down orders which must eventually be carried out with deadly force if the people don't like what government is dishing out.

I feel for the people of Hong Kong.  For its entire history it has been like a sex trafficked little girl with first the British claiming ownership and then transferring ownership to China like you would sell a slave to a new master.  Did the Hongkongese get any say in it?  No.  They were transferred over a good cigar and fine scotch behind closed door.  They were slaved out.

Why would anyone willingly want to live under Chinese rule?  Just having to deal with the Great Firewall of China would make it a nonstarter for me.  And yes, I know people try to work around it using VPNs but by many accounts that is slow and spotty in performance.  But Hongkongese also know that China will steal the wealth out of Hong Kong as soon as they take legal possession and "spread it around" in order to buy continued loyalty from the masses who fortunes and even food supply will be peaking in locked step with the Global Debt Ponzi.

And now that people are protesting and getting arrested, their police records will show they were against this Chinese rule.  What do you think that will do to their "social score"?  If China is allowed to take over, anyone who can be proved to have participated in the resistance better find a way to get out of Hong Kong because the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is well known for after the fact revenge in these matters.  They want to send a message going forward that failure to comply is just a bad idea.

I can only hope that when the day comes where US government has to result to heavy handed tactics to force tyranny down the throats of American patriots that when the government begins to threaten the use of deadly force, live fire, etc. the patriots all stand up with AR15s and loudly proclaim "bullshit, MF".  There is absolutely no way the US government can push around the heavily armed population of the US if the people as a group will not comply.

People of Hong Kong you have only 2 eventual outcomes:
1) China wins.  Get back on your knees and get used to it because your master has plans for you.
2) Kill every single one of them that comes at you.  Get guns.  Get ready.  Go to their houses in Hong Kong in the middle of the night and put them down.  Make small team raids into mainland China and go after prominent CCP officials and their families.  Send them a Christian Dorner message that they cannot ignore.  He was one man and he had the entire LAPD peeing their panties in fear.  Think about what 1000 dedicated patriots could do on the same terms.  It's more brutal up front but in the long run it will save a lot of lives.

I wish there were a third option but, sadly, you are beyond that now.  Freedom isn't free.  If you wan to maintain your western style freedoms prepare to get your hands dirty.

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