Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bloomberg tries to apologize for past borderline tyranny

Michael Bloomberg is sorry for being an authoritarian tyrant.  No really, he's sorry now.

As past mayor of NYC, 14th richest person in the world Michael Bloomberg backed and demanded police escalate the practice of "stop and frisk" which was a clear violation of the 4th amendment.  Under this policy, cops were given a contact quota, which in other words means, a pay based requirement to stop people who had been suspected of no wrongdoing and physically search them based on no suspicion of having done anything illegal.  If you resisted this illegal activity, you would be charged with a crime, slammed to the ground, taken in and booked and then have to deal with the court system.  If you fought hard enough to avoid having armed thugs with badges alienate you from your unalienable rights, you would be killed on the spot if needs be.  It was a complete travesty of justice and now even the police union is telling us that they told Bloomberg it was an ill advised policy.

While I agree that you are likely to catch some people doing the wrong thing using this tactic, the real question is "at what price".  At what price do we receive the stated benefit of the action?  It is the same thing I must ask everyone who thinks that disarming honest people each time there is a shooting by some crazy fucker.  It's sad that someone got killed but the knee jerk reaction of disarmament, even if it were possible without triggering a second American revolution, is not without consequences.  An armed populace keep government from being tyrannical.  Tyranny and the use of deadly force are always the easy way to force people to do your will, but not if they have the means to fight back.  Once we are disarmed, government will have free reign to use a heavy hand to push us around and there will be no apologies offered in that case.  Apologies are only offered when needed and a subjugated populace is deemed not to need very much, including food shelter or clean water.  Don't make it easy for government to be assholes to the people.  Stay armed no matter what.  It is everyone's responsibility to do so, don't leave the dirty work to someone else and then later on have a clear conscience when receiving the benefit of other people's work and sacrifice.  Do your part.

But I digress.  As for Bloomberg and his apology, it is no coincidence that said apology only comes after he has announced candidacy for president.  Before that, apparently, he wasn't sorry at all.  He certainly was not sorry while he was being allowed to do it.  He clearly thought that stopping mainly black people and frisking them like they are all criminals was a smart move.  But now he thinks a left handed apology is going to appeal to the DEM demographic?  Well, all I can say is that if anyone buys this fake apology they deserve what they get if they elect him.  Bloomberg's only goal is to keep America nice for rich people.  If the road to that outcome must be paved with the ground up bones of the poor, that's exactly what this rich elitist asshole will do.

If, at the end of WW2, Hitler had simply stood up and said "Killing all these people and invading all these nations was wrong.  If you felt that I hurt you with my actions, sorry about that.", would you then elect him president?  If Jeffrey Dahmer had said "really sorry for my lack of judgement killing people and storing their heads in the fridge" would you then hire him to manage a day care center for your kids?  You get the point.  Those who commit serious crimes cannot just justify them away with an apology, especially if that apology was politically motivated which it clearly was in the case of Bloomberg).  And yes, Bloomberg should be charged with 900,000 cases of depriving American citizens of their constitutionally protected 4th amendment rights.

In fact, Bloomberg deserves the death penalty for these actions, not according to my wishes but ACCORDING TO THE LAW.  Read it!!:

"Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. "

If Bloomberg were only guilty of a few instances of deprivation of constitutional rights under color of law then no, I could not see the max penalty imposed.  Let's be generous.  Let's give him 100 free passes on this.  No, even more generous - look the other way for up to a massive 1000 acts of deprivation of someone's constitutional rights under color of law.  But under his tenure there were an estimated 900,000 occurrences.  Sorry, I cannot look the other way for this.  Doing so indicates that laws are for the poor only and rich people just laugh them off.  And that is the recipe for the end of civil society.

OK, OK, so if at some point these actions are judged under our legal system (and not just IMVHO) to be unconstitutional then Bloomberg should be called to account for willfully depriving people of their constitutional rights under color of law, do you agree?  I mean, the law is clear.  Are these laws just for you and me or does King Michael also have to live by them?  If so, then let's warm up the gallows because a federal judge already ruled that it was unconstitutional back in 2013.

"In her 195-page decision, Judge Scheindlin concluded that the stops, which soared in number over the last decade as crime continued to decline, demonstrated a widespread disregard for the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, as well as the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause."

Yes, that's right, a federal judge said that Bloomberg had demonstrated a "widespread disregard" for people's constitutional rights.  Why this elitist was never physically burned at the stake in the aftermath of this ruling is a question everyone should contemplate.  I guess, as Mel Brooks quipped, "it's good to be king".

Fuck you Bloomberg.  Anyone with a brain knows that you will say whatever it takes to get in power and then you will step on the faces of the people in order to achieve your idea of utopia because you think being rich makes you know what's best for everyone.  You have learned nothing from your stop and frisk apology.  You are a lying, disingenuous elitist  con man. 

Finally, it should be noted that crime has fallen massively since government stopped treating everyone (meaning every black person) like a criminal.  No, really.  This again proves that Bloomberg has no vision, no insight into governing.  He's a heavy handed authoritarian who thinks he owns people like cattle.  Justice will not be served until he is put to death because if I have to be held to the written law then so should he, and the law says that what he did to 900,000 people is punishable by death. 

If the circumstances of his crime is not strong enough to warrant this harsh outcome then what would someone have to do?  I guarantee you that if I personally did this to 20 people then someone would be saying that it was enough to warrant max penalty.  But Bloomy overtly oppressed 900k people and he changed the way that minorities lived their lives, always in fear of a government sanctioned police shakedown.

Burn, witch.

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