Friday, November 22, 2019

Epstein's guard "cooperating" with authorities

When a criminal organization falls apart, it does so from within. It loses coherency and cohesion.  The money bribes begin to lose their appeal and fellow criminals begin to stop trusting each other.  At some point the lower level soldiers get caught and they decide not to take the fall by themselves.  They make a deal and the chain reaction crumbles the syndicate in just a matter of a couple years.

It's not all that different than a banking liquidity crisis which is nothing more than banks halting their trust for each other because they are afraid of getting screwed if they let their guard down.  Honor among thieves is only good until the cartel breaks down and then it clearly become every man (or woman) for himself.

The dominoes seem to be toppling in the Epstein case.  When the people wouldn't let his fake suicide/murder go, the authorities finally sacrificed their underlings.  The guards were thrown under the bus.  But, just as I said would happen, one of these times they would pick the wrong soldier to screw over and that person would know more than people thought they did.  And that person would start singing like a canary.

Enter Tova Noel, a real Christmas present for federal prosecutors and, like her namesake, able to bring thunder down upon the heads of those who did the dirty deed to Epstein.   They have her dead to rights being negligent and they will throw every criminal charge in the book at her if she doesn't talk.  After all, the herd is hungry for more red meat.  And with each raw meal the herd wakes up a bit more, ever more hungry for revenge.

 I hope you can see it all falling apart, like meat from the well cooked bones of the goose.  Not just Epstein; all of it - Prince Andrew getting essentially thrown out of the royal family in disgrace.  I wonder when he will commit suicide.  CEOs and CFOs suddenly deciding to step down without much explanation.  Look around.  It's happening.  The skeletons are opening the closet doors and we are just getting started here. 

I think Hunter Biden will eventually go down in flames as well once the momo on this open season on elite really picks up.  He will be arrested, charged, jailed and then he will die an early death behind bars.  That is going out on a limb for sure but it would not surprise me at all.  SOMEONE big and important MUST go under the steam roller.  The herd WILL be appeased with blood and tears.  And all of the elite who thought they were not only untouchable but invisible will suddenly be outed.  And they will be caught out in the cold and defenseless.  They will realize that whereas they always planned to throw their underlings under the bus when times called for it, that their underlings had been plotting against them as well. The little black books will come pouring in and we are going to see admissions of corruption as have never been seen before in modern history.

How do I know this?  Simple.  It's the debt, stupid.  The debt is the corruption meter.  The more the debt money that is issued, the higher the corruption.  Period.  What else would you expect from Mammon money?

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