Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pedophile Prince Andrew gets sacked for hanging with Epstein.

As I have said in the past many times, the elite tend to be gays, pedos and gay-pedos.  I predicted that their heads would be rolling as a sign that we are entering the end days of the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi). Today's proof point that these words were, to say the least, insightful comes from the dailymail.  For some time Prince Andrew has been accused by a woman of having sex with her when she was a juvenile running with Epstein.  The prince came out and apologized for having hung out with Epstein but denies he pedo'd the girl back then.

Still, it's pretty clear he did it just by listening to the woman.  Additionally, people have now begun the internet meme of "Epstein didn't kill himself".  I just flew back from a business trip yesterday and someone had taken a Dymo labeler and created a label saying this and stuck it to the back of the airplane seat in front of me.

With this kind of accelerating pressure, the queen is trying to get in front of it even though she knew damned well the whole time what had gone on because she knew at the time was going on.  (mob boss voice on)You think any royal makes a move without the queen bitch don't know it?  Please. (mob boss voice off).

Of course she knew.  But as long as the people didn't know, it was OK.  The queen doesn't care about morality.  No elitist does.  But now its clear the people not only know, they aren't letting it go.  And because they won't let it go, queenie had to try to protect all British royaldum by letting Andrew go as Duke of York, relieving him of title and salary effectively immediately.

Of course there will be a royal slush fund for him; removing the public salary is just for show.  But no royal has been publicly denounced by the queen for as long as I have been alive and so this is no small thing.  The queen knows that she and her brood sit on high at the pleasure of the people.  And even though British royalty is little more than a tourist attraction these days, (or maybe because British royalty is little more than a tourist attraction these days) she acted quickly once she saw things spinning out of control.

This was a good move by her but I wonder if it was too little too late.  As we end this cycle, the mood of the herd is turning sour in the extreme.  Old traditions are being taken out and shot, just like removing bronze statues of ancient forefathers has been a thing for several years now.   I think British royalty might be living its last days as "a thing".  Not this year or next year mind you, but when the collapse begins in 2023 all the starving people are going to be crying and wailing "why should they get something to eat, they don't even work".  The people might just put an official end to the notion of royalty in England.

And yes, I'm sorry.  There will be starvation and not just in England.  I have explained why it must come to this even though I am pretty sure 99.9% of people think its hyperbole.  It's not.  It's math.  It's obvious that it MUST happen IMO and the reason is reduction in carrying capacity. Living off debt made it easy to eat and easy to breed but when debt can no longer be used to pay for the living of all these excess people, starvation and death will ensue among the fighting.

I'm not the only one who thinks this.  Jim Rogers wrote a book called a warning to Japan.  At this link you can hear him say a few words about it as a part of a larger interview.  Rogers advice for young people?  "If you are 10 years old right now, you better get out.  If you are 10 years old right now you should get an AK47 and learn how to use it.".  He half chuckles while saying this but it is a nervous laugh, one that implies many a truth was said in jest.  Who in their right mind would, as a lark, publicly advise a 10 year old from any nation to get an assault rifle and learn how to use it?  He's actually serious.  The reason is simple: condominium economics: the population is rapidly getting smaller and the debt is rapidly getting higher.  Those people who are left in the country will each have a higher share of the debt to pay.  Eventually it will have to be defaulted on, and this is the kind of thing that starts wars (both civil and international).

Our biggest sin was that we were tricked and we willingly fell for the notion that fake money is real and that there are no consequences for not allowing normal cyclic economic pressures to escape in real time as they are happening.  Bottling it all up until later is going to lead to a very, very bad time for all.

I'll say it one more time for those with ears to hear: get near a food source because when the shit hits the fan and the supply chain collapses the food will all disappear from store shelves in a matter of days and it could be a long, long time before any semblance of normalcy returns, and when it does it will certainly be a new normal that is different than what we think of as normal today.

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