Friday, June 25, 2021

Philipines' Duterte: "take the jab or be sent to jail".

As a vivid reminder of what eventually happens to people who foolishly allow themselves to be disarmed, the Filipino president (dictator) Duterte has issued a public threat which is take the vac or go to jails which the lazy police don't keep very clean.

While I feel sorry for the Filipino people, this is a situation of their own making.  You simply cannot give up your guns and then believe that government won't use physical force on you to do what it wants you to do.  Without guns, there is no conversation, no choice, no dissent.  Why?  Because while governments like to disarm their victims, err, citizens, they don't themselves disarm.  So basically its liberalism 101: rules are for thee and not for me.

Duterte might think he is doing the right thing but is he a doctor?  No.  He's just a strongman running a typical 3rd world shithole.  So the only way he can get people to do his bidding anymore is to threaten them with violence.

People have two choices when these things happen: be a fucking scared sheeple and fear the oppressor or go full Rambo on their asses, killing their children and their parents first and anyone else who is even remotely associated with the oppressor and then finally the oppressor.  It sounds very bad, I know.  But it is logical and results in the least amount of lives lost.  Those who take the shot will have increased risk of cancer, alzheimers, parkinson's, heart inflammation, and probably other inflammatory diseases as well like arthritis, etc.  Millions of people will be affected by these higher odds and that means tens of thousands will actually see something bad happen to them that would not have happened had the likes of duterte been stopped.

So that is the greater evil, letting duterte and people like him hurt and kill thousands or just having a few 10s of people meet an early demise.  IMO fewer deaths are better and, after all, he's the initiator.  I said the same thing to the Hongkongese and they did not listen so now china is rapidly taking over their lives.  Sitting in the water after the cook has already told you they plan to boil you is a poor strategy.  So, Filipino people, stand up, stop cowering in fear for your own lives, and go do the right thing to duterte and his crime family.  Or, be sheeple and get what you deserve for being cowards.

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