Saturday, June 19, 2021

Here comes the conservative counterpunch.

Red alert to liberals, especial the criminal element within: the sleeping moral conservative majority has officially woke.  Conservatives are no longer sitting back and saying nothing.  Our numbers are up and coming.  I can't even keep up with the number of stories that are in progress right now.

- the Fox 26 reporter (Ivory Hecker) who went rogue on air saying she was going to leak some recordings about news manipulation by her editors at Fox and then proceeded to do so with Project Veritas.

- the discovery by GA that ballot chain of custody documentation is missing.That is why the likes of Brad Raffensperger, who is sec of state over in GA suddenly demanded an audit of Fulton county's election processes after being presented with clear evidence of lack of chain of custody documentation for a big stack of ballots which was used to steal the election.  But wait, isn't this the same moron who publicly stated election was fair with no evidence of election fraud??  YES, I'm afraid it was.  Like so many liberal RINOs he didn't want to be called a conspiracy theorist and thus pooh-poohed the notion of vote fraud.  What he should have done was say, "I cannot comment until we review all the evidence".  But no, he wanted to align with the winning team, even if they cheated to win.

- Even liberal Jon Stewart is now exclaiming in the most over the top way that it should be obvious to even the most stupid people in society that covid was manufactured in a Wuhan lab.  Yet when Trump said this 2-3 months into the pandemic he was labeled a conspiracy theorist, a racist and anything else the moronic left could think up.  Where is the nod to Trump that he was right??  Where is the APOLOGY?  Shameless leftists are digging their own graves now .

- the latest news in this regard is that hundreds of conservatives in MI went around and collected 7000 affidavits claiming election fraud.  Now let's be clear here.  The dems went around ballot harvesting into the elections which is completely illegal.  They thought they would get away with it because they didn't see anyone looking.  And they were right, nobody was looking. Nobody expected such blatant and widespread voter fraud to take place.  BUT they also counted on nobody doing any forensics.  They thought they were the only ones willing to get up and hustle in the street.  Had they thought any differently they wouldn't have done what they did because the doing of it left tracks.  Those affidavits are not just 7000 people signing a petition saying they want voting justice, etc.  Nope.  Those are 7000 sworn testimonies which are admissible as evidence in a court of law.  While we are not yet told what the affidavits claim, in general, it's pretty obvious where the low hanging fruit is.  You go around to nursing homes and talk to each resident, explain the laws about ballot harvesting and then ask people if it happened.  IF they say "yes" then you ask them to fill out an affidavit and sign it.  Sorry, lefties, what you did was clearly illegal but the "affidavit harvesting" being done by the conservatives is 100% legal and in fact common practice.  You are screwed.  Once these boxes of evidence are acknowledged (begrudgingly) by the court system, someone is going to have to do something about it or they will eventually be found to be a co-conspirator. 

- permit-less "constitutional" carrying of a hand gun is now signed into law in the state of Texas.  No more permits.  No more background checks.  No more fingerprinting and registration.  No more announcing to police that you have a firearm if they pull you over in traffic.  No more treating the possession of a hand gun as if it alone were some heinous, felonious act of civil aggression.  Greg Abbott, in his grandstanding video linked above, at least makes it clear that the 2nd amendment was never about hunting and sporting but rather about the right to have the means to defend yourself should the need arise.  They say that while G_d created man, it was actually Sam Colt that made them equal.  A hand gun is a force multiplier.  Even if 3,4 or even 5 unarmed people try to attack 1 armed person at once, all 5 stand a very poor chance of completing their crime while at the same time exposing themselves to the very high odds that they are about to take their last breath.  To the morons who think that gun crime is going to increase because of this I say, just shut up for once and pay attention.  Gun crime will go down even if shootings go up because it is not a crime to kill someone who is robbing you or threatening your life.  The cops cannot be there but after it becomes legal to carry a gun without paperwork or even without identifying yourself to the system as a gun carrying individual, only fools and losers will not choose to acquire, become proficient with, and carry a self defense weapon.   It's just the right thing to do for society.  It may not seem like it now but wait until government services collapse because they can no longer be paid for.  Then people will sing a different tune.

- on the vaccine front I'm afraid there is bad news for the fucking morons who got peer pressured into taking the jab.  I am truly sorry to have to be the one telling you this. 

Back in April of this year a Dr. named Geert Vanden Bossche  stated that taking a vaccine while the outbreak of disease is raging is actually dangerous because it can cause rapid mutation.  Despite clearly having extensive background in immunology, Vanden Bossche was widely criticized and mocked.  The reasons for the mocking instead of the listening was because many people believe that if something like this were true then the state would not be pushing the jab and also because he works as a veterinary doctor.  The fact that many animal tests are carried out to predict the effect on humans seems to have escaped those who were doing the mocking.

Today we now have a video wherein Dr. Robert Malone, who is the acknowledged inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, clearly and emphatically states that Vanden Bossche’s statements about the timing of the vaccine being mal-advised is correct and we have the data to show it. Well you can watch it if you actually care about the data or you can ignore it if headlines are your data.  But that’s not going to stop it from still being true.

Unfortunately, that's not the bad news for those who were duped, herded and cajoled into taking the jab.  Please watch the video.  The ingredients in the shots are not staying where they were supposed to.  They are migrating to the ovaries, the bone marrow and to the limbic system.  If we just talk bone marrow and lipid system then the worry is that those taking the jab have opened themselves up to long term threat from autoimmune diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and others. If you don’t watch what the inventor of the technology has to say then you really don’t care about the science or the data.  Period.  Trust me, you are not going to like what this expert has to say.  If we see an explosion in ovarian cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other autoimmune diseases over the next 5 years in a pattern which breaks from that of the last 30 years then you can be sure it was the covid jab that is behind it.  Such an event would make even the most government-loving, trusting, gullible idiots realize that the conspiracy theorist who talk about depopulation and agenda 21 might actually be onto something.  As Jon Stewart joked, maybe covid was created "when a pangolin kissed a turtle".  He mocking more than just the species jump propaganda put out by the left.  That over the top  performance was mocking everything about the cover story we were fed.  Without saying it in so many words, he's also mocking the notion that its release from the lab was an accident.  

It's going to be a long, hot summer for liberals IMO.  Wait for it.  The conservative momo is picking up steam.  The righteous anger is going to become palpable.

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