Sunday, June 6, 2021

California's 3 decade ban on "assault weapons" is crushed by a federal judge.

Read it and weep, lefties.  The moral conservative majority has taken all your bullshit and is still standing.  Your wins were all on emotional, don't matter things like gender identity.  Feel the counter punch.  The conservatives are winning on things that actually matter.  Guns very much matter to conservatives.  We know that guns=freedom if nothing else.

Leftist governors are wilting while strong right leaders like DeSantis of Fl are on a major upswing.  The people moving out of states like California to other more conservative regimes is now unmistakable and well documented.  When people leave so do tax dollars.  California is heading toward a major depression of its own doing.  I hope the liberals there wake up and realize what morons they have been with their childish "I want to live in Neverland" mentality. Complete morons and fools.

To the conservative Californians that I know exist, congrats on getting some gun rights back.  Now go on the offensive and get yourself constitutional carry.  You not only deserve it, you are going to need it in just a few short years.

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