Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Another of my predictions takes a step toward realization.

I wrote long ago in these pages that the corruption and debt had piled so high that there was no fixing it.  A collapse, I wrote was when not if.  And the longer they let it build, the worse would be the consequences.  I said if they let it go on too long, and I predicted they they would let it go on too long, that dis-unification of the USA was clearly on the table.  I said a breakup could occur that would not be dissimilar to 1988-1993 USSR where the empire collapsed into Russia and the x-stahns.  The reason it collapsed?  Too much debt and collapse of the Ruble.

Fast forward to today, Greg Abbott, the soft GOP governor "leader" of Texas, has just signed a resolution essentially reminding the federal government that the states actually have most of the power under our constitution and that all these federal dictator-like edicts actually have no force of law at the state level.

While much of this "resolution" is still at the toothless grandstanding level, which is what Abbott prefers to do, each time something like this comes out it makes the silent conservative moral majority stand up a bit taller.  It is fueling the demand for freedom which the conservatives at the grass roots level are now "woke" about.

Abbott's action is really nothing more than a weather vane.  While it does not create the weather, it clearly shows which way the wind is blowing.  And the wind is a conservative wind, just as I have been saying all along.  Conservatives are slow to anger, slow to take action.  But once the giant has awakened and decided to focus on something, it becomes an unstoppable juggernaut.   

The ongoing election recounts are not only happening, they are spreading.  And now some of those who were complicit and have covered up the irregularities are suddenly concerned even though not long ago they were reading from the liberal playbook of "absolutely no evidence of vote fraud".

Among those we now see Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's secretary of state, now saying that he will investigate supposedly new information that chain of custody documentation for ballots was not properly kept.  Well if such basic documentation is missing, how does it take 7 months to figure it out?  And if such things have not been ascertained, how can anyone be outspoken about there being no election irregularities?  At the very least he should have said way back then that there is a process and he would conduct a review to ensure all steps had been followed.  How long should that take, 7-10 working days?  Yet instead he stood up and said "move on, nothing to see with election fraud, get over it conservatives" even though GA was obviously a victim of late night election fraud, hidden ballots pulled out from under a table and counted late at night after telling poll watchers counting had completed for the night.  Sure if there was no security camera footage of this it would all sound like some impossible conspiracy theory.  The only problem is, there was clear footage of this happening and clear testimony by poll watchers about how they had been shooed out of the building and told to show up the next AM when counting would continue.

Brad Raffensperger is either a complicit criminal in this matter which IMO makes him a traitor OR his gross negligence deprived millions of GA citizens of their constitutional rights.  Which was it, Brad?  There is no third option here.  And Brad knows it.  So he is going to help us find where the bodies are buried so that he can throw the scent off himself.

At the national level I think we either have a monster purge of the leftists, including jail time, or there will be a collapse of the USA as Texas, Florida and other self sufficient states lead the exodus from the United States of Satanic Pedos.

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