Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ben Shapiro is moving out of Cally.

Ex CA governor Jerry Brown is a fucking fool.  He essentially told Californians, where you going to move to, everyplace is a Hell hole like Cally is...  Stay in Cally, there is essentially no alternative.  Ben Shapiro, life time resident of Cally has now responded: "Tennessee".
Shapiro lays out why it is just not so easy to leave.  People put down roots and those roots do not pull out easily and then relocate.  People have local family.  They have jobs, and they have fear of the unknown.  But despite all this, Cally is just not worth staying in:
- filthy, high crime, high taxes.
You think this is going to end well??  Cally is going to become a low class shit hole full of people who are dependent on the state for their living.  The state will have chased off its tax base and embraced its expenses.  At some point Cally will BK and then be begging for federal help and Trump will tell them to lump it.  When that happens, things are going to get very bad in cally because the carrying capacity will have collapsed.  Looting will be a way of life.  Crime and arson will be rampant.  Taxes will then be hiked due to condominium economics (just like I predicted many times would be the case).
Give that fool Jerry Brown a violin because he wants to fiddle while the modern day Rome literally burns.  If you are still living in a big Cally city, time to get to a better state.  It's clear they have no intention of stopping the insanity until G_d drops the state off into the Pacific.

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