Thursday, September 10, 2020

Slow but certain return to conservatism

Public schools have been the epicenter for radical liberalism.  And in fact, it only makes sense.  Have you ever heard the saying, "Those who can, do.  Those who can't, teach"?  Real conservatives produce things. Liberals talk about producing things and that is what passes for teaching these days.

In any case, the radical anti-conservative policies of the liberal decades are now being torn down and I can tell you, this is a sea change.  The tide has turned because when institutionalized policies like anti G_d, pro abortion, etc. are reversed it means that those running the show want it reversed.  And now these things are being reversed.

"Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the new rule protects the rights of students, teachers and religious institutions. Students should not be forced to choose between their faith and their education, and an institution controlled by a religious organization should not have to sacrifice its religious beliefs to participate in Department grants and programs,”  DeVos said in a statement.
In his March 2019 executive order, Trump directed a dozen federal agencies to tie their university funding to free speech rules."

Now think about what I wrote.  It doesn't change unless those at the top want it changed.  And so unless we are to believe that those at the top have been changed, this says that those at the top are accepting the Trump driven change.

I assert that those educrat parasites can see the tide turning away from liberalism and so the reason they are not fighting or even complaining about this change is that they have accepted it.  And why, pray tell, would they do that?  Simple: they are following the money.  They don't have once ounce of actual morals or principals of their own.  I have said this 100 times.  All they care is that their parasitic feeding tube isn't cut.  That's it.  That's all.  You can buy and sell these whores like it was payday in Podunk.

Pretty soon, all the young impressionable minds that they have fucked up over the years are going to wake up and realize that their liberal mentors have thrown them under the bus.  They were gullible patsies and the system played them like a fiddle in order to get what the liberal parasites wanted.  They now see that won't work anymore and so they will turn on a dime to follow the money.

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