Friday, September 25, 2020

Kenosha WI civilian militia plans to go on patrol reports that the so called Kenosha Guard plans on going on patrol to stop evil thugs from tearing their city down.  Apparently the militia commander got 3000 RSVPs from militia members saying they will respond.

This is kind of serious because when the people decide that government officials and police are of no value, as clearly shown by formation of armed militias which seek to act as a peacekeeping force, governments and police prove just how useless they are.  And when that happens, people start wondering how difficult it would be to relieve them of their official duties and install a paramilitary government instead.

Of course the corrupt government and police would not like this loss of power, income stream and so it could easily turn into a shoot out.  There is a limit to the corruption, stupidity and incompetence that people are willing to put up with. And for those who are slow on the uptake I will say it again: stupid liberals have been pushing their political correctness, human labeling, LGBTQ-EIEIO, gender confused anti gun agenda.  In their Walter Mitty minds they are winning this big societal battle.  But conservatives have real guns and when it gets to the point, as it usually does, that things have to be settled by fighting, I would not want to be in the way of the conservative citizen's militia.  If shooting ever breaks out and if they are labeled as criminals, government better run and hide because these people think like I do.  They know how to win a war, and that is not by being polite.  You win the urban war using asymmetrical warfare.  It is a NASTY, UGLY, DESPICABLE business.  But what war is any good?  The best war is the one that is finished quickly and decisively, no matter the outcome.

I'm sorry to say, that involves some very distasteful business.  Innocents always end up getting sacrificed in the deal.  So I am once again warning liberals that you do not in any way have the faintest clue about the can of whup ass that is at very great risk of popping open due to your actions.  The silent majority has its breaking point and once that line is crossed it cannot be un-crossed.  The action must then be completed until a new government, a new local power is in place.

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