Saturday, September 19, 2020

San Francisco end game.

We all knew it was coming to this.  The fake money system is dying and liberals are speeding its demise.  Case in point is San Fran Mayor announcing a program to pay minority moms $1k per month for [put the political weasel words here].  Of course, the real purpose is vote buying but I can tell you, if this is real it should kick off a 3rd wave exodus from the golden gay state.

These politicians think they are getting away with something by doing this but there will be a ton of unintended consequences, that is for sure.  And one of them will be the realization by the working class that if certain undeserving (i.e. didn't work to earn it) members of society are getting free money then how much can the money actually be worth?

That's right. By giving the money away for free, it collapses confidence in the issuing authority.  It makes people want to run away from the currency at the same time they are running away from the additional taxation that they fear will be required in order to make these unjust payments.

Smart minorities will go outside and put up a sign on their lawn saying "WE WORK FOR OUR MONEY, We will not accept a dime of San Francisco social welfare payments".  The reason is simple: the herd is not going to like being attacked like this, and instead of killing the corrupt mayor, they might just go kill the poor minority mom who never asked for this and who has been getting by without it.

As long as minorities work for their money Americans will be very tolerant.  Live and let live.  But if they feel that money is coming out of their bank account to support dead weight then that all goes out the window.  So be careful what you ask for because you might get it and there might be unintended consequences attached to it.

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