Saturday, September 12, 2020

Another chink in the liberal armor

Th Kardashians are poster children for modern liberalism.  Morons would sit through hours of their drivel in order to feel better about their own pathetic do-nothing, accomplish-nothing lives.  But now their time is over and, as this article describes, it is as much about the death of the liberal conduit, cable TV, as anything else.

Cutting the cord isn't just a monthly payment statement, it's a statement about choosing your own consumable content rather than having some liberal fuck in some liberal marketing dept of a cable media company decide what should be beamed into the minds of the sub 100 IQ class.  And that is basically what has been happening.

Keep watching as pretty much all of liberal society continues to implode.  Soon enough we will see the acceleration of liberals eating their own in public because of course, that is their very nature.  They can no more avoid this than a leopard can change its spots.

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