Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Your pain is in the interest of national security....

Well, the government teat suckers are getting what I expected they would get - screwed by the very government that they think is so all-powerful.  But to add insult to injury, Lara Trump  is apparently telling federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the future of our country.

Wow.  It almost has a national security ring to it.  It's apparently patriotic and even stylish to let government fuck you over now.  And of course others who are still getting paid are telling fed workers its a small price to pay.  Of course people who are not affected can say that no matter how high the price.  You making a sacrifice is ALWAYS going to be a small price for ME to pay.

Welcome to the future. This is but the first taste of what is coming as the American empire collapses into a heap of steaming dog shit as the Global Debt Ponzi that we have been running for > 100 years continues and accelerates its collapse.

These words offering your sacrifice will not just be directed at government workers as they get trimmed down in numbers, told to do more for the same pay if they want to keep their jobs while at the same time their pensions are defaulted on and eventually they are made to use the 401k system like the rest of us in lieu of a paid pension program.  Government teat suckers will definitely be hit when government runs out of ways to fund the Ponzi.  But government hacks won't be the only ones.

Big government is a living thing.  As such it needs to consume vast amounts of wealth (i.e our labor) or die, and dying is not something it will do of its own will.  No, you will die before government does if government has any say in the matter.  The assholes in government will nuke the world before they voluntarily walk away from their power.  They don't care about anything except staying in power.  And when they do it they will tell you it's for the greater good and that it's a small price for you to pay.  They know you will not be happy about it but men with guns will be standing there to ensure your prompt compliance.

Because of this I warn each and every one of you yet again: government is going to steal your money.  It will steal it from bank accounts, retirement funds, pension plans and in any other way that is centralized and easy.  It will also steal by inflating away the value of the dollar but they have been doing that for a long time now and only a putz doesn't get that.

No, its these new ways of "paying a small price"  and "sacrificing for your country" that are the new, up and coming trend.  With the stroke of a pen, pensions and 401k and bank accounts will be nationalized. Why?  Because big government fucking thinks it needs your stuff more than you do, just like Rocket Racoon.

There is only one way to avoid getting robbed at gunpoint by big government and that is to get your wealth out of their system just as soon as you can.  Get out of their banks, their stock market, their 401k, their pension plan.  Cash out the best way you know how and then go buy gold and silver bullion coins.  These make you your own central banker.

I started this blog in 2010 for one reason and with one main goal.  The reason I started it was that I wanted to give something back to the world.  That's why you have never seen any 3rd party ads on my site and you never will.  No ads, ever, was part of the charter.  It hopefully shows that I am sincere.  So while that was the reason, the main goal was to tell enough truths that people would finally and eventually believe me when I say there is only one real problem in the world (fake money) and that your only protection from it was to acquire and store real money (gold and silver).

If you own paper assets I GUARANTEE you will get hair-cutted by the coming collapse.  100% for sure.  They will take what they need first and ask questions later and if you don't like it then take it up with the useless but heavily armed police.  They will see to it that you are re-educated.  Or they will kill you.  Your choice.

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