Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Here's what happens when there is real gun control.

If governments had their way we would all be disarmed. This is just a win-win for their agenda on every level.  First, if you don't have guns they can stand in your face and scream in your face what you are going to do, how to do it, when to live, and when/how to die.  That's just the historical truth of it.  Second, if you don't have guns then you are forced to outsource your personal safety to a bunch of trigger happy armed strangers, AKA police.  If you want to be safe, they tell you, you better agree to more debt in order to fund fat salaries and pensions of cops.

Of course the cops are useless in most real world scenarios and today's proof point of this is that of a Houston Texas man who showed excellent gun control in gunning down 4 home invaders, killing three of them on the scene and putting the 4th one in the hospital.

One well armed man who was obviously proficient and ready with his weapon wiped 3.5 human stains out of existence, thus eliminating any chance that you or I will encounter these same hardened criminals in the future.  I say give this guy a public award and force the police to attend and to clap at this man's ability to defend himself.  Because folks, when seconds count, the cops are minutes away.

The police need to do a quick investigation and then, if nothing seems untoward about the circumstances, publicly proclaim this man to be free of any legal issues and in fact he should receive a certificate of achievement from the cops.  And 10 points for any double taps found in the investigation.  These home invaders simply do not deserve to live anymore and they got just what they deserved this time.  The mayor should present this guy an award shaped in the form of a hand gun. 

Folks, please pay attention.  Government has addicted millions to debt based subsistence programs.  The fact that the programs are based on debt means they are unsustainable.  But the presence of these programs has massively increased society's carrying capacity for douche bag deadbeats.  And so, their numbers have skyrocketed.  Eventually these government programs will disappear.  Not because anyone wants to be mean or heartless but rather as a matter of simple economics.  Government's ability to pay using any means will evaporate and when this happens, the carrying capacity will fall rapidly.

Do you know what this means?  It means millions of desperate fucks doing whatever they can or whatever they need to do in order to continue living.  Do you think your life will matter when they come to take what you have?  Hell no.  They will take your stuff, if you are a woman they will take your body and your dignity if not sanity, and they will take your life.  This is inevitable simply because of the math associated with the matter.  There is no soft landing.  When it all goes down, it will go down quickly.  Don't sit there and be the fool who thinks the cops will be there to protect you when this happens!  The cops will hover around their own homes to protect their own families.

Get guns, get ammo, get proficient and get ready.  Desperate times are coming to the US just as they have arrived to every other smaller nation that has been infected by the disease of accepting fake money as if it were real.  It leads to wealth divide which results in desperation to get along day to day.  Desperation leads people to do very stupid and dangerous things.  Most recent example being the attempted theft of gasoline by desperate and stupid Mexicans leading to a horrible explosion and nearly 100 people rapidly burned to death as a result.  This the fault of fake money, and nothing else.

1 comment:

The Captain said...

Thanks Digger. It's two minutes to midnight...

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