Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hilarous CNN fail.

Liberals just love to make shit up out of thin air and then use it to apply some kind of negative sounding label to another person in order to get that person to be ashamed of him/herself so that they will step aside and let the liberal bully have his/her way.  It's exactly the same kind of verbal bullying tactics that they claim to hate.  This is liberalism 101: "do as I say but not as a do. I will make up fake rules that apply not to me but only to you".

In the liberal playbook, if you have nothing intelligent to say, play the labeling card.  You know, call someone a bigot or a racist or a woman hater or, more recently a "privileged" white male which is a term that rabid good for nothing liberals now use in the same context as those other negative labels.  In fact, "white male privilege" is commonly used as a shorthand for calling someone ALL of those negative labels.

The liberal $hitfest which is CNN recently stepped in some hilarious do-do of their own creation when a black reporter dismissed the views of the person she was talking to by saying his views were driven by white male privilege.  Unfortunately for the liberal fool of a woman, the guy she was talking to only sounded white-ish.  In fact, he was black.  Listen for yourself on YouTube here.  When confronted with this she issued a fake apology and then blamed "her people" for misinforming her.  Of course that is a load of horse shit too because pretty much everything this woman says is a lie.  In fact, she thought the voice sounded white male and thus the guy was susceptible to the white male privilege attack vector.  She obviously has no "people" at all.  Maybe she was talking about the mouse in her pocket.

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