Monday, January 14, 2019

The return of real men

Fake men put up with liberal bullying and name calling by useless shits casting stones at the makers in this world while sitting on the sidelines.  Fake men sat there and let a bunch of pseudo elite pansies belittle them for being "born this way" - as men - without saying a damned thing about it because of fear of political correctness.  Fake men herded with the herd, became metrosexuals and stopped believing in the inherent leadership abilities of the male gender of our species.

And during the rise of liberalism, being a politically correct fake man was a good way to get ahead.  But them days is over folks.  And the proof positive of this is found in the herd's recent reaction to Gillette's attempt to play the "me too man-shaming" game.  Men are inherently evil, says some ass clown loser in Gillette's marketing department who will soon be looking for a new job as the company tries to patch up the gaping wound that this horrible ad campaign just inflicted in the company.

This crap from Gillette is the same crap they are blaming men for!  They are telling all men we are bad when there is just a portion of men who do these things.  They are telling us we are all guilty if some other man crosses the line.  How about fuck you Gillette?  I am not my brother's keeper!  I can lead by example and I can defend myself if some fool crosses the line toward me or mine, but those are my decisions to make, not yours.  Save your message for the "it takes a village" crowd because I know damned well that village of sissies and women and children would starve on its own without the real men doing what we do. 

And you will find that real women already freaking know this!!  They already appreciate a good man when they find one.  And they do not complain or try to change the basic male quality because it is those exact qualities which give men the horsepower to do incredible things, amazing things that sissies and women just don't want to go out and do by nature and in many cases due to physical limitations. 

Real women bring their own special value to society, nobody is arguing that point.  It's not just huge value, its essential value.  There is no real society without women and without the family.  But so do men and only a fool or someone who has been brainwashed by the liberal establishment which seeks to drain the population of all its real strengths so that it will be more docile and thus more easily controlled wants to demasculinize real men.

Anyone who wants to misinterpret this as some kind of attack against women can be my guest to live in their delusion.  It's not my job to fix crazy.  I'm just stating the obvious fact that 95% of women for what ever reason do not do the big jobs that real men excel at even though 30% of the women are probably physically capable of it.  There is a lot more to taking on BHAGS (Big, Hairy Assed Goals) than just physical ability.  There is a mental toughness, a built in genetically enabled aggressiveness towards building things, all go, no quit, no excuses that is just stronger in males and which real men do not try to apologize for.  

Smart women know this, applaud this and freaking adore it because they get to benefit from the aggressive achievement of the man that they have chosen.   And what real man doesn't love and cherish a real woman who respects his achievements and thanks him for going out into the world and bringing home the bacon (along with the financial security, nice house, nice car, boat, vacations and other nice rewards of doing the BHAG work)?

Of course, all of these things are just my opinion and so not really all that important to the reader.  But what should be important is the herd's reaction to Gillette's misguided man-shaming attack on men because that shows that the conservative wave is rolling in stronger than ever now.  Real change is coming soon and it's going to get ugly before it can get better.

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