Sunday, January 6, 2019

Open letter to the US Government

Dear US Government,

By now you have to be aware that we are entering a special time in the history of the United States.  After many decades of running and encouraging a Global Debt Ponzi, the end of the fake money scam draws near.  In years past it was the "3rd world shitholes" that had armies of homeless beggars in their midst.  It was these same shitholes where you literally had to be a corrupt fucking piece of shit in order to hold government office.  In these shitholes, economic collapse came and went with great frequency, and adding zeros to their fake money was an event that would occur with great frequency.  Crime was always high in those places and thinking people wondered again and again why the people didn't just rise up and do something about it.  Why did the moronic slaves of those countries allow themselves to be raped and abused and stolen from and pushed around by corrupt governments wielding heavy handed policy enforcers? Why were so many of the people dependent upon government for their daily sustenance?

But with all that said, we look around now and see the US is looking an awful lot like a 3rd world shithole.  The elite have all the wealth and the work-a-day person just gets more and more disenchanted and hopeless.   I would like to know what your plan is for when these people finally get pissed off about being pushed down.  I want to know what you are going to do when carrying signs changes to carrying molotov cocktails, guns, bombs and other bad things.  You fucking people made this mess by pushing your fake money upon the people and insisting they accept it for their labor as if it were real money when you knew the whole fucking time it was just fake money that you printed out of thin air or borrowed into existence in order to line your own bank accounts.  I want to know what you are going to do when the left and the right stop blaming each other for what has happened and instead wake up and figure out that YOU are to blame.  The federal government, the fake treasury, the corrupt private federal reserve bank.  All of you and more did this.  It was a conspiracy and that's no theory.  It was and is a debt Ponzi.  But times almost up so I seriously want to know, what are you going to do when the people come for you?

Here's what I suggest:  Don't wait for people to figure it out by themselves.  Get ahead of it!!!  Otherwise you cannot control the narrative.  Otherwise informal competing governments will rise up and you will lose control.  The left and right factions of government need to join hands and fess up.  You will of course need a scapegoat but the institution of the federal reserve is like the fatted calf.  Throw the federal reserve under the bus.  Demand that the US create not gold "backed" currency, but actual gold laden currency.  I like the Swiss idea of putting a gold thread of a certain size and weight into each paper note so that when the paper bills trade hands, actual gold is trading hands, not paper promises.

Someone in government has to step up and say with authority that the whole notion of a private bank controlling the money supply for the people without any feedback loop of representation and without any transparency of operation is exorbitant privilege.  Someone has to apologize for all of the economic damage it has done to the working class.  Someone has to stand up and admit that welfare payments and food stamps to working people who cannot otherwise afford to live is nothing but a control mechanism; with one hand the overlords sneakily steal the purchasing power and with the other hand it gives part of that back as a subsidy so that the recipient feels a debt to the master con men.  What a skull fuck the whole thing is.  Someone has to round up every living member of the federal reserve present and past be they chairman, board member, or head of elite banks that make up the system and toss the whole lot of them in a dark jail cell for the rest of their lives.  Someone has to send a message that real change is happening.

You know what is coming to the USA if this is not done, and soon?  This is coming except with many, many more guns.  When the stagflation hits and when it is accompanied by shutdown of government programs people are going to have to choose between rioting for their freedom or lifetime poverty and hopelessness.

We ain't seen bad yet but the rumbling of hooves gets closer each day.  The marginal players are getting hit the first and the worst but the economic cancer is moving to higher and higher socioeconomic levels.  What used to be a Latin American or an Asian or an African problem is now become a way of life in France.  Germany and Italy will not be far behind and then once the collapse becomes global this same crap will show up in Obama's "exceptional" Americans.

Don't act like nothing is wrong up until the day of collapse.  That is just stupid.  Get out in front of it, admit the corruption, throw the Clintons in jail and GW Bush as well while you are at it.  Admit the US government's part in 911 and out anyone who was involved. Show clear evidence that new government is siding with the American people instead of just using us for whatever you can steal from us and trick us out of.   If you do that, you might be allowed to live.  I can't speak for the herd but I would vote that you be left with your lives as long as the right people spent the rest of their lives in jail.  Time is running short.  Do the right thing.

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