Thursday, January 31, 2019

South Dakota female governor signs permitless concealed carry law.

Kudos and applause go out to S. Dakota residents for selecting a governor who understands that good people with guns is a good thing and bad people with guns are unavoidable.  Making it difficult and dangerous with respect to the law for good people to carry in any form, concealed or open, is only good for criminals.  Just because you have a permit to carry does not make you a good person and just carrying does not make you more likely to commit gun crime.  In fact, quite the contrary.  It more likely puts you in a position to stop the crazies from shooting up the place.

But I digress.  Governor Kristi Noem has now repealed the existing law in S. Dakota that required people who wanted to carry to have a permit.  As I have said many times, "rights" which require government permission to exercise are not "rights" at all.  They are allowances.  The bill of rights is not called the bill of allowances or the bill of permissions for good reason and that is because it was always intended that common citizens should not have to kiss up or pay up to corrupt government in order to keep and bear arms.

Her move is also important in that it shows you don't have to be a man in order to understand the meaning and clear intent of the 2nd amendment.  It was not put in place so people could go hunting for food or to go shooting for sport.  It was put in place for protection from criminals be they in the private sector or whether they be part of the organized crime syndicate which exists in big government.

How much you wanna bet that gun crime actually goes DOWN as a result of Governor Noem's decision?  As the fake money system disintegrates over the next decade, people need to understand that the cops will be fewer in number and more focused in their scope.  They will protect the oligarchy.  They don't give a shit about you or me.  It is up to us to understand this fact and internalize it and to do something about it for the sake of our families.  It's time to just write the police off as useless at best and corrupt at worst.

Thinking people don't need or want too many cops.  Maybe 20% of the current number.  The reason is that we don't want to and in many cases simply can't afford to pay for them.  I mean, hiring armed security, even if said security is the warden to the jail you are living in, is expensive.  Without the constant assumption of new debt at cheap interest rates we simply can't afford to pay all these cops the salaries, benefits and lifetime pensions that they have been promised.  Do YOU get a lifetime pension?  If not, why aren't you hopping made that you MUST pay for the lifetime pension of the very cops who trample your freedom? 

For most people the reason is that they don't feel the pain because most of the cops are getting paid through debt issuance.  When that game runs out I GUARANTEE you that government is going to come at you for money money in order to maintain THEIR status quo.  If the people have any brains they will force their politicians to accept that we can take care of ourselves as long as we are not criminalized simply for being prepared to stop crime on our own.  And I am not asking for any breaks for gun holders.   If they shoot their gun by mistake, it should be a serious crime.  IF they hurt someone without cause, it's a felony.  And if they kill someone without cause, it's murder.  NO breaks for gun holders even though cops usually get off very easy even if they hurt or kill someone by mistake (and many times even if simply out of malice).

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