Friday, May 28, 2021

This is the real face of the conservative wave. Everything else is noise.

As I predicted years ago would eventually be the case in posts like this one (and many more done earlier than 2016), people are actively fleeing liberal shit holes in droves.  Way back then it was very few of us predicting this but now everyone is talking about it.

But they are not just moving, folks.  They are also defecting from the liberal democratic party.  At least that is what Fl Gov Rick DeSantis is now on record as saying.  And I believe him because there are many, many centrist dems who are good people and are not fucked up in the head like the insane nanny state, homeless loving, open border assholes that have brought once great states to their knees.  Just because someone is a registered dem it does not automatically make them stupid or insane.  It's the liberal dems that are literally insane.  They are the ones who think we can do anything we want with no consequences because we have a rich uncle sam that can pay for any stupid desire like giving needles and condoms to homeless, letting illegal aliens stay in the country and leach off American services, etc.

And it's not just liberal dems that are the enemy.  It's liberal GOP as well.  Liberalism is more associated with dems but not by as much as people may believe.  How many truly conservative members are in congress?  I mean, how many actually want small government that lives within its means and minimal taxation to ensure it has minimal means?  There are a few outspoken ones like Rand Paul but it is probably only 15% of the GOP.  The rest of them love debt, love spending, love war, love the fake money system, etc.  They are liberals posing as conservatives.

All of this is going to change big time over the next 5-10 years.  Not because anyone wants to stop the party but because the rest of world is tired of paying the bill for our spending.  And that is exactly what happens each time some sucker takes fake green paper in exchange for their goods and services.

Gold will soon make a new all time high.  The blue path is possible but red is the primary wave count.  Those who cost average into metals will be glad they did in just a few short years.  Those who trust their retirement to the stock market, something that government can easily size up and attack, are incredibly gullible fools who will lose a big portion of what they have put into the corrupt 401k / Roth IRA system.  Anything government has control of they will eventually be looking to steal.  Get out now!  Buy physical gold, platinum and silver.  Government cannot touch these because it will never know about them.  Fuck the greedy liberal government.

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