Friday, May 28, 2021

Armed teacher stops crazy man from kidnapping students, or worse.

In Ogden Utah an elementary school teacher, who was practicing concealed carry, first confronted a crazy man who tried to grab an 11 year old girl by the arm and walk away with her.  The teacher was armed but showed excellent restraint at that point since he was able to recover the child without pulling his gun.  But then the crazy fuck decided that he was not going to leave without a prize and so followed the teacher and students back to the room that they had fallen back to and began banging on the glass trying to get in.  

The police were nowhere to be found, as usual, and so the teacher had to pull his gun and convince the crazy guy that he was outgunned, outmatched and outwitted to the degree that the crazy guy just stayed there while police were called and eventually responded.

This is how it should work, folks.  Instead of completely abdicating our responsibility for self protection to the police, we should all be concealed or open carry.  What crook wants to try some shit when he knows guns will be present?  Even the best cops in the world but they are just people.  They cannot be at the scene of every crime.  And not all cops are any good.  So we the people need to step up and re-take main ownership of our safety in a citizen - police partnership against crime.  Citizens who act responsibly in these matters should NEVER fear about liberal gun hating sons of bitches trying to bankrupt them and ruin their careers with frivolous lawsuits for having used their gun to stop crime.  Anyone who tries to use the legal system against a gun toting good sam should be run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered.

Our kids must be taught at an early age what guns are all really about for conservatives.  They are tools for self defense.  They should never be removed from their holster for anything except cleaning, loading, practicing at the gun range, or standing down a credible threat to safety as was done in this case.  They are not showpieces or an extension of your dick.  They are serious and they are dangerous if not treated with utmost respect.  They are not to be passed around, admired or brandished without just cause related to self defense.  They must not be used in anger and they should be used as little as possible, always opting for some other solution until all other options are expired.  That is the conservative way.

Even though he's a teacher, the concealed carry person did everything like a conservative pro.  He did not draw his gun until there was no other way.  He did not want to do this in front of kids.  But when there was no other way he didn't hesitate.  And look in the news.  Is this guy grandstanding and calling himself a hero?  NO.  He is in fact not releasing his name at this point AFAIKT.  If he does talk about it then it will happen after the emotions calm down a bit.

But what I want is to hear from the parents of the 11 year old girl that he took from the hands of a kidnapper and I also want to hear from the parents of all the kids that had taken refuge in the room with the teacher.  Most of those parents would probably have said earlier that they didn't think teachers should be armed.  Well, what about now?  What about after this man used a gun to augment his wits and his conservative moves to protect these kids?  Maybe allowing those teachers who can show professionalism with concealed carry are in fact a huge benefit and instead of spitting on them perhaps they should receive a 10% "security augmentation" kicker in each paycheck!!

By the way, look at the picture below of the perp whose name is Ira Cox-Berry.  Is that the face of the typical conservative or of today's radicalized liberal?  I'll give you one guess.

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