Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial day is all about Americans at a beach.

Americans storming the beach at Normandy, June 6th 1944

Lest we forget, WW1 and WW2 were just wars, wars against credible threats who started the war.  The US didn't go around looking for trouble in those wars.  In these cases, someone else started it and the US lead the opposition to the instigators' desire for global conquest.

These two wars should never be confused with made up wars of American aggression like Vietnam, Korea and all the never ending oil wars in the middle east.  It doesn't mean the deaths in made up wars are not tragic. Those who were drafted (or joined) were simply doing what they thought was right and correct even if they were suckered by a scam.  

But we have to make the distinction between fighting for a just cause and simply herding into war at the behest of the lying liberal elite, be they dem or GOP.  We must be careful not to idolize war for the sake of war on Memorial day.  War sucks.  War is stupid. War is corrupt. War is a racket.  Anyone who wants the next war must agree that he/she and their children will be the first ones on the battlefield.  There must be no more deferral for elite a-holes who think war is an economic benefit and that the lives lost are a fair price for resetting their Global Debt Ponzi.  I don't care if the proposed war would be against China, Russia, N. Korea or space aliens.  We must not start wars "just because".  And the whole setup of 9-11 as a pretext for war should produce public hanging of the perps next time, not a sheeple rush to battle.  Our leaders are mostly liars.  Only fools and idiots cannot see through their bullshit.

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