Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The conservative herd is losing its fear of/respect for the authority figures

As predicted by my discussions about how "The battle at Kruger" would eventually arrive to the US, the herd is losing its fear of authority and is using its size and numbers to push its way back into control.  In this evidence point, an arizona school board "flees" as angry parents demand an end to liberal fucked up in the head control freak mask mandates.

This is the tip of the iceberg, I assure you.  When bellies are full and fear is not present, the herd tends to act docile to the extreme.  Foolish people mistake this for weakness and stupidity.  But when the future starts looking scary and people start going hungry then the herd begins to self organize and to obtain a laser like focus and then suddenly it doesn't look stupid at all.  In fact, it begins to look rather powerful and it becomes an unstoppable force.

And then, just like the Battle at Kruger, the last self entitled LEO who thinks it can continue to bluff, bluster and roar its way out of being surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned, gets the horns in a big way.

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