Tuesday, April 20, 2021

This is classic

A Florida sheriff is on record asking (telling) liberals that are escaping from that shithole called New York and the other non flyover shithole called California  to not "ruin" Florida the way they did to the states that they are now fleeing.  That is absolutely hysterical to me.  But more to the point, non-leftism is now policy in Florida.

"Judd highlighted the far-left riots that have devastated communities in Democrat-controlled cities across the U.S., including Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis, and said that officials would not allow that to happen in Florida.

“We’ve got a new law and we’re going to use it if you make us,” Judd said. “We’re going to protect the people. No longer will people walk up and surround you as a citizen of Florida or a visitor of Florida, surround you while you’re eating dinner at an outdoor cafe in a big mob without there being immediate consequences and arrest. It’s not acceptable.”"

Whoever thought it was OK to voice your radical views by going as a mob into a restaurant and telling everyone to leave.  These people would go in, scream at families who were trying to enjoy a night out.  They would put their hands in the people's food and even drink from their glasses.  They should have been been taken out back and had the shit beaten out of them for this.

I'm telling you, the conservative backlash is now coming.  The outrageous childish criminal behavior of the woke left will now be targeted by the moral majority.  The gloves are off.  If someone pulls some shit on you like this in a restaurant and you pull out a gun and shoot them I think you will no longer be charged for it.  I think if the person was loud, intimidating and spitting all over your food that a jury will side with you saying that nobody has to actually wait to be harmed before protecting themselves from a real, credible and unprovoked threat.

Florida and DeSantis are leading the way for other conservative states to follow.

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