Sunday, April 18, 2021

In liberal land everyone not only gets a participation trophy...

... but everyone is also called "hero".  

That word used to mean something but the left have co-opted in and now it is more a badge of having been used somehow by leftist propaganda machine.  Case in point is that several leftist cities put in place mandatory raises which they called "hero pay".  Their goal was to redistribute wealth from the owners of the grocery stores in in question to the low end workers who the left considers their sub 100 IQ constituency.  It's a double ended attack.  On one hand, they call the low paid workers "heroes", thus pumping up their gullible egos.  And then they tried to back it up by using force of government to enforce such communist picking of winners and losers.

In response, Kroger Foods just closed the stores down.  Apparently, big government thought that the stores were some kind of cash cow operation when in fact they were barely keeping their heads above water in those low end locations.  It is a common misconception that every business is rolling in cash at the expense of the little guy and in fact Kroger's move proves that leaving those stores open as long as they had been left open was more of a charitable act than one of smart business.  I mean, if the big stores close down then what are the locals left with?  SMALL stores, no selection, and PDQ type low volume prices.

So not only do the neighborhoods whose Kroger store is leaving lose jobs in their areas, they also now must travel further in order to get large store prices.  While this would eventually have happened anyhow, city officials did everything in their power to speed the process up.  If the sheeple who are losing their jobs and losing their low price grocery store had ANY brains they would surround city hall, go in and take those who did this by the scruff of their necks and march them out for a press conference in which they declare their independence from rabid leftist fools, thank Kroger for their many years of service to their neighborhood and then beg them to stand down from their decision to leave with the promise that those who began the attack on them will never sit in the halls of power again and that if anyone else tries it they will receive the same heavy handed fate at the hands of an irate but informed populace.

Unfortunately we are talking about sub 100IQ people here that really don't understand yet just how badly this political miscalculation, which was done in their name by greedy communists, has well and truly fucked them over for decades to come.  Because if the business wasn't good enough for Kroger to fight for you can be assured it won't be good enough for anyone else either.

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