Saturday, April 10, 2021

Maryland takes first step to remove "supercitizen" status from corrupt cops

Imagine if there was a bill of rights for the people, and then another bill of rights ON TOP of that one for cops.  Well, that is exactly what police qualified immunity is.  In fact in Maryland it's actually called the police bill of rights.  Well at least it used to be.  That's because the Maryland government just pulled their ticket by removing that completely corrupt constitutional end around for government sell outs.

This bill is what would shield corrupt, tough guy crazy cops from legal action that they should rightfully had to face for their actions and crimes.  It would assume first that the police are right and that the citizen is of course some kind of lying dirt bag.  

Bottom line is that despite the optics of the left taking over, what you really see here is the return of conservatism.  To understand that we must recall that real conservatives like me do not want the police to have unlimited powers.  So when RINOs give police unlimited powers that is liberal behavior.  And now the dems are taking it back and restoring power to the people, that is a conservative move.

More power to the government = liberal no matter which party imposes it.

More power to the working class producers = conservative no matter which party imposes or under what circumstances it takes place.  The dems may or may not even realize that this move was highly libertarian (i.e. the only real conservatives remaining) but that doe not matter.  The conservative wave will become very obvious after all the leftist shark jumping is complete.

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