Sunday, November 4, 2018

The left is hoping for the best but fearing the worst in the coming elections

As we move toward the US elections happening in a couple of days, its smells a lot like the 2016 elections to me.  You have your usual cadre of self absorbed, self important has been Hollywood stars like Baba Streisand blaming Trump for getting fat (no, really, you can't make this stuff up) and of course promising to leave the US if the Dems don't take over again.  Like all rabid liberals, Streisand is lying.  She is not going to Canada because she has it too good here in the US regardless of which fool sits on the throne.  None of the loud mouthed liberals who promised to leave in 2016 actually left.  They were all full of shit.  What's even funnier is that they somehow thought their threat to leave would be a threat to the country.  Want to leave?  Good riddance!

As far as the coming election is concerned, I mostly agree with Tucker Carlson when he said, "Democrats will likely win this election. They may win the next one too. Ultimately it doesn’t matter. Their program is over. It doesn’t work. Voters are rejecting it around the world. Voters everywhere want their leaders to care about and protect them," Carlson said. "The globalist left can never deliver on that, because they can’t acknowledge that the concerns of one country might outweigh those of any other country. It would be as if your parents loved the neighbor’s kids as much as they loved you, maybe more. You’d hate that. Voters hate it. That’s why, as long as democracy is allowed, the the globalist left is doomed. Progressives know this. They can smell it, and it terrifies them. So they crack down on the population. In the end it won’t work. You can’t bully and harangue your own people forever. There’s a limit, and we are reaching it.  Keep that in mind as you watch the election returns Tuesday night. What we’re seeing isn’t the ascendance of the modern Democratic platform, but its death throes".

Well put. Carlson.  Now first off, I am not predicting a win for the dems.   In Texas, Beto, who has been hailed as a sort of demowunderkind, is trailing Cruz by a 10 point margin.  At the same time, the Elliott wave principle teaches us that progress does not occur in a straight line (i.e. linearly).  Instead, its 5 steps that average into forward motion in the direction of trend followed by 3 that retrace some of the progress (a counter trend move/dead cat bounce).  The GOP has definitely had a motive wave forward and it is completely obvious that peak liberalism is, as I have predicted it would be, now in the rear view mirror.  So a win for the dems would not be as meaningful as the dems think.  Those dems who get elected are likely for be far less rabid left than the ones they replace.  This move would not strengthen the liberal agenda but rather weaken it from within.  Now instead of just exchanging barbs with those on the other side of the aisle, the remaining rabids will also be getting push back from the rising centrist members within their own ranks.

I want to again point out something else that should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer.  Leftist morons like Actor James Cromwell and others predict there will be "blood in the streets" if the liberals don't get their way in the coming elections.  When they are in charge they stand on procedure and ceremony.  But when the pendulum swings against them they think they can bully the rest of us into compliance with their agenda (all the while decrying bullies...). 

On this matter I say firmly to James Cromwell and others who are lost in their own little worlds that, first off, they are full of shit this time in their threats as they always are.  Why?  Because liberals talk all kinds of game but they know its mostly bluster.  If you want a humorous but accurate depiction of liberal vs conservative, look no further than this 1 minute video.  The guy with all the showmanship is obviously the liberal.  The other guy who patiently puts up with the showmanship antics lets his actions do his talking is the conservative.  The eventual outcome is as predictable as it is funny.

Secondly, if trouble does break out of any magnitude, maybe there will be blood in the streets, but why do idiot liberals assume it will be that of the heavily armed and well trained conservatives???  As I have written MANY times, if there is anything "exceptional" about Americans it is our right to keep and bear arms.  Because of that right, nobody is going to have an easy time imposing their unjust will upon us.  We conservatives have shown great tolerance to the liberal agenda, gritting our teeth and bearing it when the herd voted in that direction.  But now that we've all had enough of the rabid liberalism, IT'S OVER. 

Now, in other countries where the people are disarmed, it's never over and the conservative ones eventually have no option but to run away to other sanctuaries.  They are forced into exile because they do not have the means to stand and fight.  But I can clearly tell you that will never happen here in the USA because people like me would rather shoot our attackers in self defense than run away in fear and terror of being overrun.  And there are a fucking lot of us.  I will never be made a refugee from my own country and the ONLY reason I can say that is that I will shoot it out with anyone who tries to make me into a refugee.

The US military is about 1.3 million in active duty and 800k in reserves.  The NRA, which I do not belong to, is about 5 million people.  So treat 5 million as a base and then many more like me who do not feel the need to associate with a group.  If it came to a battle, half of the armed forces would side with the conservatives and none of the conservatives in the NRA would side with the liberals.  So be careful what you wish for, violent liberals, because that blood on the streets is a lot more likely to be yours than ours.  You have the rhetoric.  We have the guns.  My only advise to violent liberals is to avoid picking a fight with someone who will only use them to mop up the floor with.

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