That said, I have to sympathize with this woman. I can tell that she is genuinely mentally distressed if not, like most rabid liberals, actually mentally ill. I can easily blame it all on her and tell her that as a full grown adult that she is responsible for her actions. But is it really all her fault? This woman doesn't know what she's mad about! All she knows is that she is mad and that someone else is to blame, probably white males. She is not intelligent enough to come up with this narrative on her own. She got caught up in the herd movement and just did what everyone else in her sphere was doing. Except she decided to take action. So in her mind she was going to be a hero. She obviously was not thinking clearly.
Let me say that again because it is very important to understand: she doesn't know what she's mad about!! It's certain that she cannot really be angry at Kavanaugh even though she lashed out viciously at him with wild accusations about sexual misconduct. But she's mad about something for sure. And that something is exactly what I have been saying it is: peak liberalism is now in the rear view. The fake money system has peaked and rabid liberalism no longer rules the roost. And without that free value being offered to essentially marginal people like her, she's angry and she's scared, like a caged animal. Her emotions are running her actions and reason has been pushed to the background.
The reason I feel pity for her is that she really was born this way. Liberals are wired differently from conservatives. I personally feel that I have a lot more in common with a conservative black man than I do with any rabid liberal. It's like these far lefties are a different subspecies. Perhaps society has gotten it wrong all of this time. Perhaps the "races" of humanity are differentiated more by our different mental wiring than by the color of our skin. But it was only by the grace of God and the DNA lottery I was not born with her false reality syndrome malady. I see things clearly and as they are even if it does not agree with what the collective herd thinks. My emotions do not override my reason.
With all of that said, she needs to go to jail for what she did. A message needs to be sent to all other would be false accusers who will be following what is happening here. In considering her punishment, this woman didn't come forward to admit her guilt; investigators tracked her down and questioned her, probably threatened her with a really bad jail sentence if she didn't come clean. Under that pressure she got scared and only then did she come clean. And only after Kavanaugh was confirmed into SCOTUS. That is to say, only after her accusations could do no more harm.
That's not good but a clear confession (albeit belated) is admittedly better than just continuing to live in her LA LA fantasy land and so her jail sentence should not be excessive. Maybe 6 months or 1 year with time off for good behavior. But for the benefit of society at large, she needs to be put in prison for some period of time. She needs to be put into cuffs and perp walked for the press. She needs to appear in criminal court. She needs to be charged with a felony, tried and convicted by a jury of her peers. And then she need to be publicly sentenced for trying to ruin the career of a man she doesn't even know simply because her circle of deluded idiots wanted to cheat due process in selecting the next member of SCOTUS. This is a big deal and it needs to be played up in the press as such in order to warn off other such foolish actions by the rabid liberals. Trust me when I tell you, making an example of this woman is good for deluded, rabid, liberals everywhere.
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