Monday, November 26, 2018

Criminal immigrants try to storm the US border

OK well, so now we know what class of people we are dealing with (as if it wasn't already apparent a long time ago) in the migrant hoard that is trying to storm our borders.  We are dealing with desperate people.  And desperate people don't respect anything.  Laws don't matter.  Rules don't matter. Your property and your rights don't matter either.  Nothing matters because you have something and they think they want it more than you do.  It's liberalism 101, consumption without production.  These people sat by in their own countries and let big government turn their homes into shitholes and now that they realize that their native lands are shitholes, they want to come and spread their way of thinking to new lands that are not shitholes.

If your own home land is not what you want it to be then you have a responsibility and a duty to fight.  Running away is the coward's way out.  Now, if you have something to offer the new place then it's different; you are welcomed with open arms.  Why?  Because even though you did not fight at home, you paid your dues by becoming something of value.  But if all you bring with you is old country baggage, the desire to NOT learn the local language or integrate into American society then we don't need you.  Why?  Because you have not paid your dues.

When there was internal strife in the USA, we fought it out internally during our civil war.  One side won and the other side lost, pure and simple.  Might made right.  Those involved may not like the outcome but they voted with their blood and with their lives and that of their family.  Under these conditions when it is all said and done the vast majority agree to go in the same direction.  Some go that way because they always thought it was the best way.  Others go that way because they tried to change it with everything they had and they could not.  And so now the fight is out of them but knowing they gave it their best shot they make do the best they can under the new system.  This is the way it has to be for a lasting peace within the human herd.

Those simply running away from the problems they created should have no rights because they have not earned any.  It's very sad to see the poverty class woman with her newborn child under these circumstances but these emotional images do not change the nature of things.  When the US bombed Iraq, we killed MANY women and children by "accident" (not really much of an accident if you are bombing weddings and funerals IMO, more like "policy").  More recently in Yemen, women and children die every day because of US military atrocities.  And these people are simply living in their own lands!  They have don't Jack Shit wrong to anyone.  Where are the liberals in the face of these documented killings/murders/war crimes?

I'm very sorry that not everyone in the world has a safe place to live but the right thing to do is not to flee to other countries but rather to organize their young men into well trained military units, make weapons deals with other countries, and go storm their own halls of corruption where they can then turn everything around for their own people.

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