Tuesday, November 27, 2018

More talk in the news about how football damages brains

I'm on record for a long time now saying that the new conservative wave will eventually kill off blood sport culture like American football.  I postulated that football is a very damaging sport and breaking things needlessly just because you have it to break is not conservative.  Conservatives conserve what they have.  The TV show/movie "Jackass" theme was wildly liberal showing people doing stupid things just for attention or money and oftentimes getting hurt or sometimes killed by it.  American football is essentially the jackass of sports.  People who play it accept these risks for the fortune and fame it can bring but for decades they have been thinking the risk was to their bodies.  Bodies heal and so the risk of broken arm, leg, foot, hand, etc. was acceptable.

But more and more people are becoming aware that football damages the brain as well.  And as the conservative wave expands there is less and less pressure to keep this information hidden.  One of the ways these truths are spread through the herd is via humor because as I reported earlier, many a truth is said in jest.

Here is a recent report saying that just one football season can do irreparable harm to a young person's brain.  It will IMO, in the not too distant future, become public that pro football has known about these injuries for a long, long time and said nothing because of what it would likely do to their business.  And once this information comes out, the lawsuits will follow in short order.

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