Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Strong message from conservative sheriff.

Like I said, the cops would begin to reach out to the people to close the gap.  It's started with the sheriffs because they are elected officials.  They can see that the age of fake, free money is coming to an end and so all of a sudden they think more highly of the citizens.  Here is a youtube put out recently by the Clay County Sheriff's office in Florida in which the sheriff actually threatens the left with deputizing lawful gun owners to defend their county should the rioters and looters come in numbers too great for the police to handle.  Talk about partnering with the people.

Whatever the reason for this predicted change, I welcome it.  This financial collapse is the first stage of a real healing for this country because fake money is the friend of the liberal.  Conservatives do not benefit much from it because we don't use heavy leverage and debt.  We hate debt.  We love to save instead.  Savings are capital and thus the basis of capitalism.

One more thing.  Remember the two things that I told you that made America exceptional?  One of them is ownership of the global reserve currency.  This has made us exceptionally shitty, exceptionally liberal, exceptionally entitled and exceptionally lazy.  The other thing is our history, culture and legal embrace of private ownership of guns.  This makes us exceptionally conservative and exceptionally resilient against the kind of societal collapse that has allowed other nations to fall to communism. 

If you look at history, communism starts as an idea which tries to get justice for the worker from the fake money system which enslaves them.  But instead of eschewing fake money, the communists embrace it as their energy source and they use it to subjugate those who are really not all that into it.  But this only happens when people are weak and easy to push around because of lack of guns in the hands of the individual.  I can tell you with certainty that nobody will make me their political prisoner because I will shoot their eyes out if they try.  And so will the rest of America's gun owning, God loving patriots.  There is no possible way to subjugate us, to round us up and to control us.  None whatsoever.  So I just laugh at the notion.  Not because I don't think they could try, but rather because I know exactly what is going to happen to them if they do.  Boom Boom, out go the lights.

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