Sunday, August 2, 2020

Perfect storm or obvious outcome?

The headlines warn of families going hungry and everyone seems shocked.  Why are they shocked?  I predicted that the end of the Global Debt Ponzi would result in a fall of the police, a rise in gold, civil unrest and an increase in hunger in a supposedly first world country like the USA.

Nostradamus was never even close to being this correct in his predictions yet I'm not prophet.  I'm simply educated in the cycles associated with fake money and I am here to tell you that all of this is just scratching the surface of the bad shit that is coming.

Right now government is softening the blow by spreading out everyone's wealth.  This what they are doing by debasing the money supply.  Everyone except holders of physical gold and silver are going to get fucked in this deal.

Lots of people have paper wealth in the markets but one of two (or more likely first one then two) things will happen.  First government will go looking for more taxes.  But then, when people begin to realize that they cannot get ahead of inflationary prices in the markets because the government is changing the goal posts, AND THEY WILL, they will flee the markets which will then drop by 75 or 85% from their lofty peak, wiping out the remaining wealth of the fools who thought fake paper assets were actually some kind of store of wealth.

They never have been and they never will be.  Only a fool believes otherwise.  Gold is money and everything else is credit.  Money is gold and everything else is no.

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