Monday, July 13, 2020

Pepsi tries to blame social media for cutback in ad spending

I know bullshit when I hear it and Pepsi CEO is full of bullshit.  His revenues are down and so instead of admitting that he's cutting back on spending so that his profit numbers don't tank.  His stated reason for cutting back is that there is too much controversy on social media which conflicts with Pepsi's desire to give its customers "smiles" each time they take a sip of the tasty, addictive cola drink.

I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with the snowballing number of bankrupt restaurants which sell their product by the truckload. I say, what a bunch of pitiful, disingenuous, self righteous bullshit.  I declare LIAR LIAR balance sheet on fire!

Does everyone think that everyone else is a complete gullible idiot?  When will they learn that not everyone is a gullible liberal?

This is so funny to watch.

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