Thursday, July 9, 2020

Man is it all coming down on the middle elite or what?

LA councilman trash who was dirty as Hell was arrested in late June on corruption charges.  Notice how the dragnet is moving up from the lower level assholes up into the middle management.  At each level the system is demanding that heads roll.  Not because they want to but because they are afraid of the mobs, just like I said would happen.  This is just getting started y'all.  These middle to low level bureaucrats are not going to sate the blood lust of the mob.

How long do you think Ghislaine Maxwell is going to last before one of two things happen:
- she sings like a bird
- she is killed

It's a lose lose for the elite because if she sings then indictments will be handed up (instead of down like they usually are).  But if they kill her then it will prove that she knew more than she should have known.  If they kill her then the digging will go into high gear and trust me when I tell you, the elite had it so good for so long that there are many bodies buried just under the soil.  Anyone who wants to look will find more than they really want to know.

The main event is ahead of us folks.  You know what that is because I have been predicting that it must be exposed in order to provide enough shock value and transparency to convince the herd to calm down.  Sooner or later they are going to have to come clean about 911.  Anyone who believes the official story is a blazing fucking moron.  Period.  Pancakes are what you eat for breakfast, it is not a valid failure mechanism for a steel frame building. It never happened before, it will never happen again but on that day, Sept 11, not one but three buildings "pancaked" into their own footprint in a cloud of pyroclastic dust.  On that day, WTC 7, a building that had not even been hit by an air craft and which was so barely on fire that a child with a garden hose could have put it out, ALSO collapsed into its own footprint at the freefall speed of gravity.

Yeah, it's got to come out or there will be no peace, no trust of the elite.  All those past crimes which they think they got away with?  They didn't get away with anything.  It's all coming back to haunt.


OC beach dude said...

Hi Cap’n, If you haven’t watched “September 11-The New Pearl Harbor” already, it’s excellent.

The Captain said...

Thanks for the link, I will try to find time to watch it.

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