Monday, July 13, 2020

Joke of the day: moron gamblers ask government to make them whole after they go bust

This just shows now how much people actually believe, expect, and damn it, demand that stocks only go up.  Even bankrupt stocks!  These liberal morons are as delusional about the stock market as they are about politics and the economy.  It blows me away to these these people asking the courts to reverse their losses made trading in worthless bankrupt JC penny stock.

These morons thought they were going to get rich quick given the wild price volatility.  Instead, the sharks ate them alive and spit out their bones.  And now these asshats want the courts to "consider the little guy".

Well I can tell you what the outcome will be: the little guy will get fucked, same as usual.  The casino was built for the casino owners, not the gamblers.  Fucking people out of their money is what they do, it's how they eat and buy expensive sports cars, aircraft and boats.  We are approaching a time where individual investors (gamblers) get fucked so hard that the stock market will be treated like poison for at least 15 years afterwards.   Maybe more.  When it happens it will occur very quickly so that the minimum amount of people escape with anything.  80+% of the people who have gambled in the markets, hear me now, will end up losing it all when the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) fails.   30+ years of what they think is stored labor will simply evaporate.  I don't think so, I know so.  Why?  Because it's a Ponzi, that's why.  The value has already been sucked out the back door by wall st.  All the corporations are debt vessels.  They are not what they seem.  They are dead already but have not been forced to admit it.

Many of those who will lose the most in the coming market collapse current think that they are pretty savvy investors.  For the past 30 years they have been putting money into markets and it has gone up a very big amount.  They now feel that markets will always go up because the fed won't allow them to go down.

All I can say is read a history book.  A Ponzi scheme is a Ponzi scheme.  You have to be exceptionally not gullible, exceptionally unemotional to see it and most people are caught up in their own hubris so they will not see it.

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