Sunday, March 1, 2020

Trump signs peace deal with Taliban

Another major milestone has just been struck in the move away from liberal globalism which is characterized by endless wars and public support for the military industrial complex.  In a move which is actually bad for the US economy, Trump has signed a deal to end the war with the Taliban.

This is important on many fronts:
  • While campaigning against Obama, Trump said he hated the endless wars but continued fighting after Obama left.  But this now represents the keeping of a campaign promise and kept campaign promises are rare as hen's teeth for liberal politicians.
  • Endless war is an endless revenue stream for the military industrial complex.  We need to move away from the long standing bankers notion that war is a mechanism of prosperity.  In fact war IS prosperity for bankers.  People who have stuff don't need to borrow money to go buy stuff.  But war breaks stuff. So it is a virtuous cycle of borrow-build-break for the bankers.  This is amoral.  In any war most of those who die are innocent noncombatants.  When you hear about "creative destruction" this is what bankers fail to tell you: lots of people always go into the meat grinder when the stuff they destroy gets destroyed.
  • Now that the focus is off of Taliban we can begin talking about who really blew up the twin towers, the Pentagon and of course WTC7, the tower that collapsed into its own footprint at the free-fall speed of gravity after nothing hit it.  It was also the tower whose collapse was pre-announced on BBC about 30 minutes before it actually collapsed.

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