Monday, March 30, 2020

Never let a good crisis go to waste

The corona thing is something to address but it is not the end of the world that many are trying to make it out to be.  Yes, some younger people have died because of it.  Death happens.  It sucks.  And we should do what we can to protect ourselves but let's just look at what is going on here under the umbrella of covid caring and understand what we are seeing instead of listening to the lies being whispered in our ears.

First off, the pork that the dems tried to include in the governments spending response was grotesque.  Money was allocated for every liberal function you could imagine.  Crazy Nancy stood up there and delayed action for days holding out for what she wanted to get in the deal.  And she doesn't think centrist dems are seeing this?  Un-freaking-believable.

Second, the media has done everything possible to blame Trump for covid.  I don't watch Trump speak much because, well, Trump doesn't say much.  He simply repeats what a great job he's doing while thanking everyone.  But I did watch a lame ass corona press conference where several dem reporters tried to make a big deal about some utterance from trump, how he said this or that wrong and should apologized, etc.  They don't care about people and they certainly don't care about news reporting.  It's nothing but a completely transparent media hit squad, and this is from someone who thinks Trump is a complete social idiot. 

At the same time, it's hilarious how the Teflon Don seems to win every battle.  I mean every single one that I have followed to any degree at all, Trump comes out ahead.  Even Dems polls are showing that dems are not upset with his corona response.  And each time the leftists try to pull a fast one, like using corona as a blatant excuse to ban gun sales, Trump wins again by declaring gun industry "critical".  By using this crisis as a foot in the door for gun control, all the leftys are doing is making it perfectly obvious that they just care about their agenda and nothing else.  Again, if it were only bill joe bob redneck thinking this it would be one thing.  But I think everyone sees it and intelligent  people on both left and right of center know it is just politics.  Normally this would be OK but not during a crisis.  IF you elect these kind of people, the next crisis will see those in power taking complete control and if you think it would stop at the rights of GOP you are crazy.  Lefists always end up trampling those who elected them.  They have no friends, only cronies.  They look out for themselves to the exclusion of all else.

I hate to tell the lefties but they just helped Trump get another 4 years in the white house.

But what I really wanted to say in this post is what most people do not understand is happening.  It looks like government is debasing the currency in order to help the people.  What they are really doing is debasing the currency so that people can make payments on their debts.  We have a debt based economy and what the people still haven't figured out yet is something the elite have known for a long time.  The elite version of it is that if you owe the bank $500k and you lose your job, you have a problem.  But if you own the bank $500million and lose your job (or source of income) THE BANK has a problem.

Likewise if a few people, a few hundred thousand or even 30 million people lose their jobs and just give up on paying their debts, those people will all have a problem.  But if 250 million all stop paying on their debts, the money elite have a problem.  I guarantee you that things would very quickly be vastly different if 100 million people all signed up for a debt repudiation app which allowed them to pool their individual power and said as one voice, "We know you are running a debt Ponzi.  We know that the money we work for is fake.  We know that you have been stealing our labor through the use of the scam of fiat currency and fictional reserve banking and we are tired of it.  We know that without our labor you would have to grow your own food, do your own laundry and clean your own toilets.  These are things we do for you now because we got tricked into doing it in order to receive little paper slips.  We know we have been tricked.  Huck Finn would be blushing over the con you pulled.  But now the jig is up and things are going to change.

Unless you begin a debt repudiation program (called "jubilee 2020") for the people we are going to begin an economic war on you.  We will just stop paying.  ALL of us at once.  What are you going to do, call the cops?  Haul us into court?  If you do that then each of us will also stop going to work too.  And instead of paying for food we will just take what we need to survive.  You DO realize that many of us are heavily armed, right??  Unless you want an economic and perhaps civil war that you cannot possibly win, you will repudiate our debts over time and you will institute a fairer money system, one that lets us keep more of the excess labor we output.  We don't mind if you remain the elite but you will be less elite than before.  Your cut of the take will no longer be 500 foot yachts, sky boxes around the world and private jets all around.  No, instead you will live nice lives, eat well and be treated for respect for your vision and leadership.  We know you have insight into things that we do not.  But you will never again live 500x 0r 1000x as well as those working to provide your living."

Someone needs to create this app.  Wait a second.  Hold my beer...

1 comment:

sananton said...

100% Agreed, let me know when you have that app ready to go!

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