Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trump declares war on creditors to the USA

After just pushing through a 6 trillion stimulus package that was marketed as 2 trillion direct bail out for main street and 4 trillion in new loans for wall st, Trump is back at it again with another 2 Trillion of new debt request in order to build out infrastructure.  Driving his decision is the fact that interest rates are near zero still.

Folks, this is now up to 8 trillion in either new debt or money printing, your choice.  It is NOT going to be funded by taxation and in fact negative taxation is now in progress (that is what the mailing of checks to Americans actually is).

Well Trump, might as well double dip into the candy bowl because soon enough the suckers loaning us this cash are going to throw in the towel and demand higher interest rates.  And when they do he is going to respond exactly in the way he said he would respond during his campaign: our creditors are going to have to take a haircut.

In truth they should just stop lending us money right now because we cannot repay what we have already borrowed.  I fear that the deeper in debt we go, the more likely the bill will be settled by WW3.

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