Thursday, April 4, 2019

Brigette Gabriel dispenses with fake political correctness.

There are many ways to handle your adversary, to keep them down, to take over the narrative, to take control.  One of these methods, which I have for many years been writing about is the use of fake political correctness by liberals against conservatives.  Conservatives tend to be straight thinking, straight talking people.  They have a point and they make it.  They do not beat around the bush or invoke emotional content into a discussion that is best served mainly by logic.  At the same time, conservatives are good people who truly care about doing right by the next guy; do unto others as you would have them do unto you is right out of the conservative handbook.

The liberals therefore created an effective weapon against the conservatives.  They made up fake labels, tied these labels to negative connotations and then publicly labeled any conservative who dared speak up in their own defense with these labels.  It didn't matter if the person deserved the label or not; simply applying the label in public had two levels of efficacy:
1: others would look at the person being labeled in a negative light.
2: the person himself would question his own right to stand up for himself.  Those who did not want to engage in a loud street fight over this labeling just avoided getting involved at all.  Bam! 95% of the conservatives left the fight right there.

For example, if you are not 120% for the gay/trans/queer agenda, cheering their every move then you are homophobic.  It means afraid of homos.  But the people being labeled were in no way afraid of homos!!  What they WERE afraid of was being labeled and cast into a negative light.  This is how the fake political correctness agenda weaponized human nature against the conservatives.  Why I have always been immune to its effects, I don't know.  But it was clear to me way back when what was happening and I have written about the link between liberalism and weaponized fake political correctness many times in posts like this one.

While the fake money system was on the rise, fake political correctness rose in locked step.  Careers were ruined by the labeling.  People lost their jobs.  They were unfairly humiliated in public.  It was a freak show of unfairness.  Years ago I wrote that fake political correctness will be a casualty of peak liberalism.  No where I have I seen this to be more true than in an epic smack down of a Muslim girl who was trying to use weaponized fake political correctness against a room full of people by complaining that Muslims are portrayed in a bad light with the implication that we are somehow being unfair to them (and should thus apologize, make way for them and heck, while we are at it, why not pay reparations of some kind...).

The essence is that while most of the Muslims are good, Brigette Gabriel points to statistics that indicate somewhere between 15 and 25% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world are radicalized and who want nothing short of the complete destruction of the west.  Gabriel walks through a good deal of the last century pointing out that all of the bad things that were done by people were done by a small portion of them while the "good" ones sat by and said/did nothing.  She made an excellent point that talking about "the good ones" is irrelevant because the good ones turned out to be irrelevant when the bad stuff was happening.

I think this brings up a very valid point.  I have written many times how there really are no "good"cops.  Why?  Because they all know other cops who aren't good yet nobody turns them in.  They do not police their own.  They just stand back and watch the unfair abuses occur.  So there you have it, a real honest and useful definition of what "the good ones" are.  In short, only those who police their own have any claim on being "good".  Said differently, "for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.".  If evil men from your herd are out representing your herd, and you say nothing, do nothing then you are tacitly agreeing with them and supporting them with your silence.  Those from a particular herd can talk to others in their herd in ways that simply will not be accepting if spoken by an outsider.  If a black man is selling drugs on the corner and I walk up and say "hey my nigga, why don't you peddle that shit elsewhere", well, the shooting starts 20 seconds later for sure.  But if parents from the hood do that in enough force, the pusher moves on because of the peer pressure.  I don't make the rules; I'm just saying how it works.  Thus, if the "good" people don't police their bad element, the only thing outsiders can possibly do is paint the lot of them with the same brush.  Brigette, if you every happen to be ego surfing and you stumble upon this post, feel free to use this logic the next time you need to smack some political correctness fool down.

At the end of her powerful rant, Gabriel then calls attention to what really happened in the meeting - fake political correctness was used to try to passive aggressively attack the non-muslims in the room.  And she said what I have been saying people would begin to say: "it is time we take political correctness and throw it in the garbage where it belongs".

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