I mean, think about it. We were 10 trillion in debt when Bush 2 left office, 20 trillion in debt when Obama left office, and now 22 trillion in debt after 3 years of Trump. The slope of debt acquisition has not changed since 2010 and in fact, like any Ponzi, the slope can and must only get steeper. Failure to keep the slope at this upward angle or higher will trigger all the players in the game to sell out and go dark. They all know this is a Ponzi and they all intend to stay in it as long as they can. But once its time to bail, they will bail.
There is no easy coming back from what you see above. There is hard, and there is harder. Eventually every debt crisis turns into a currency crisis because as the interest rates eventually rise, the debt must be rolled over at ever higher rates. Imagine having even 10 trillion of debt at 6 or 7 percent. That's 600 or 700 billion per year in interest. If we needed to borrow massively in order to prop up our lifestyle without this interest burden, what will we have to do once that burden is present? The simple answer is to print more. But as we print more, creditors are going to need higher interest rates to roll over each subsequent tranche of debt. At some point they will just stop loaning us money and then the printing press will be all that is left.
And so the people of Venezuela are learning the hard way. I suggest that everyone read that link and look at what has happened to the people over there. Their lives have turned into a slavery existence where their daily labor has been reduced to near worthlessness by the economic collapse. People who used to live middle class lives now live in abject poverty, wondering if the water or the electricity will be working when they wake up in the morning.
As I have said in the past, I am fresh out of pity and sorrow for people in this condition. After much thinking about it I have come to the conclusion that they got what they deserved for being ignorant about what money is and how it works. They outsourced the management of their lives to con men, and the con men have now effectively enslaved the whole country. The elite still have all the good stuff except now they can hire other people's labor for FAR less than it used to cost. The sin of the people is that they were conned into accepting fake money as if it were real. And then once they figured it out there was nothing could be done about it because they already made the other huge sin of allowing government to disarm them. So now they have two despot governments battling to control the enslaved people.
I'm sure many in their ranks tried to raise the alarm for the people early on. But the heat was brought up slowly and the sheeple did the frog thing and failed to jump out of the pot. Instead, they welcomed in their new slave masters who promised more and more free shit. When will people learn that government is nothing more than organized crime? You cannot trust big government. It has never worked out for those doing the trusting. Not once, ever. They are in it with the elite to enslave the masses with their fake money gaymes (sic).
If you are not planning for what is coming, how can you expect anyone to have any pity for you? By failing to recognize the danger and by failing to plan around it and by saying nothing as the big government enslaves you, you are asking and even begging to become enslaved. I guess when the shit hits the fan you can always cower in your own shadow having no gold, no silver, no food and no guns. You can always beg the benviolent (sic) government for a crust of bread and some expired meat. But when it all comes down, just remember, we did this. We did it with our relative collective silence. Well, let's just be honest about this. I have not been silent. At ALL. Have you? Are you talking to your friends about it? If not, why? Because you are afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist and thus being mocked despite the fact that the data is slapping us all in the face?
I think this describes most people. And so after very careful consideration, this is nothing more than the modern grasshopper and ants story. Why should the ants have any pity on those who ushered in the collapse with things like voting in AOC and the socialists? In fact, quite the contrary. I hope things are very, very hard for those who did this to us. How else will people learn that fake paper money and corrupt fractional reserve lending always leads to the same outcome?
READ the article I linked above. This is not some theory. This is happening. The US is a bigger economic flywheel but it is far from immune. Thinking it can't happen here is not thinking at all. It will happen here, not if but when. And that when will be a LOT sooner than most people think is possible because the debt chart is exponential.
Don't sit around like a fool and do nothing right now and then be sorry and crying later on. Your sorrow will be drowned out by that of hundreds of millions of others just like you. Start taking positive action now while there is still time. And for God's sake, push back hard on any and all efforts by the left to disarm us because once they have the guns you can expect the bad stuff to show up sooner rather than later.
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