Saturday, December 5, 2020

Chinese trade secret theft? Fair is fair.

Trump and many others constantly complain about China stealing IP from the US.  I have no doubt that some of this is true.  But I think the vast majority of information transfer has occurred in the form of outsourcing US manufacturing to China and other Asian destinations.  Where is all the anger about how Honda, Toyota, and many other foreign companies now dominate in the auto space?  Did they not also "steal" American technology??  I mean, cars were invented in the US, right?  

The answer is of course they used our tech.  They saw that it was good and they copied it.  But because I am an engineer and not some emotional one sided fool, I also must say that this is not only normal but good.  If you get a utility patent, its only good for 17 years.  After that, you've had enough time to productize it and bring it to market so competitively that it will be foolish for others to try to follow.  But if you have not done that, if you have instead kept high prices and not worried about annual improvements to cost and quality then you deserve to be pushed out because consumers are not here for your benefit.  We need constant improvements in order to overcome government currency debasement.  New US cars now start at much high higher prices than they did just 10 years ago and salaries have not kept up for the lower classes.  These higher prices have only been afforded by turning the 4 year car note into a 5 year, then 6 year and then 8 year.  So by the time you are done paying on it, you've paid way more than the car originally cost, and the car is well on its way to being worn out.  Without continuous manufacturing and product improvements, the consumer won't be able to afford anything in a few years.

I also want to point out that while Asians, first the Japanese and then the Koreans and now the Chinese have "stolen" our technology, we have stolen their labor.  They work long hours for low pay to make nice things for us using our tech, and we pay them using fake green money which is printed up from thin air like it was nothing.  The reason they put up with this is that their hive type societies are driven by long term results.  If a few generations of worker bees have to go in the dumpster having lived shitty lives working dangerous jobs for crap fuck pay, well too fucking bad.  Its not them that matters; it's their children's children who matter.  And let me tell you, this is a winning strategy for sure.  The Asians will rule the world in 30-50 years.  They will stop accepting our fake paper money in its current form long before that.  It will then be America's turn to be slaved out.  All things are cyclic and America has had its cycle.  Unless we are harboring hidden alien tech, which I honestly think is not beyond possibility, that we can pull out just when we need it to smack down the Asian economic dominance then our die is cast.  And we will have deserved what we get because America is a liberal nation.  Liberals tend to consume before producing.  And when liberals consume, they over consume even though its all debt based consumption. Conservatives, like the Chinese, produce and then under consume.  The common people accept shit wages, a shit lifestyle, etc.  Oh sure, there are Chinese billionaires.  All societies conservative or liberal have their elite.  But while most Americans live in nice homes with all the amenities, your average Asian lives in a crappy overpriced apartment.

So thinking, intellectually honest people have to understand, that for every trade secret China has stolen, Americans have stolen the working lives of thousand if not millions of Chinese laborers.  We just tend to complain about our losses more than they complain about theirs.

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