Friday, December 13, 2019

Wake up and smell the new conservatism.

I have been saying for years that the whole LGBTQ_EIEIO movement was punching above its weight in society and at some point enough would be too much.  The result would be that the moral conservative majority would eventually rise up and shut this bullshit down.  They (we) would finally begin signalling that it's gone over the top, jumped the shark and screwed the pooch, all things that you would expect from the liberal left.  In some cases quite literally.

More evidence has arrived that the conservative majority is putting its foot down as the Hallmark channel actually backpedaled on airing a commercial for wedding planner company Zola which depicted two lesbians smooching as part of their wedding service.  Hallmark was pushed into this decision by a Christian affiliated organization called One Million Moms: take down the ads or suffer a boycott.  As I always said, corporations don't give a shit about the gay movement.  They just do what they think is trending so that they don't seem out of touch.

But homo bullshit never really was trending.  I bet if you really knew the numbers you would find the same number and societal distribution of gays back in the 1970s as you find today.  It just that back then they knew they were far outnumbered and so they just stayed quiet in more conservative times.  But for some reason over the past 40 years the gays decided that even though they were a minority they were going to be the tail that wagged the dog.

And so they set about making a big noise and then when nobody slapped them down hard, they assumed everyone agreed with their stank noise.  But conservatives are and always have been conservative!  A conservative tolerates!  The left hijacked that notion for themselves but the left doesn't tolerate anything but leftist views.

When the traitorous fuck obama was in charge, where were the massive hate riots, etc.?  They never happened.  When he disgraced the white house with rainbow lighting as if homodom was the nature of the USA, where was the rock throwing and angry screaming?  Conservatives just rolled their eyes for the most part or complained about it at the dinner table.   And so liberals thought it was OK and they thought it opened the door to the next ridiculous publicity stunt.

 I've already established on many occasions that corporations don't care about anything except money, NOR SHOULD THEY really, as long as they are not harming anyone else.  So corporations move with the trend they perceive.  And they perceived a massive growth in homodom simply by the loud noises made by homo-dumb (meaning the far left; homo centrists are not dumb, they are just misguided in some ways).  Additionally, I have already established that liberals have a tendency to spend before they earn (debt based consumption) whereas conservatives like paygo (earn before you spend).  In a rising debt environment, this favored liberals.  It gave them more money to spend and corporations again saw that as some kind of permanent societal change that they had to embrace.

But that's only because they don't realize the tie between rising debt and rising liberalism.  And of course, not all debt is the same.  Right now we have rising debt in order to pay for rising consumption but at some point we will have rapidly rising debt just to service the existing debt in a rising interest rate environment.  In that case the liberals will not benefit from the rising debt.  And when that happens, conservatives will have all the money and all the power and liberals will collapse.

This is why the left is going all in on socialism right now because otherwise their mania will collapse.  They want to keep it going as long as possible so they just proceed with escalating shark jumps no matter the fact that socialism destroys every country that embraces it.  At some point we are going to find that people wake up and begin knowing what I know which is that leftism is the greatest threat to our national security that exists.  Leftism and its exponential debt, no matter if practiced by the GOP or the dems, is the only thing that, left unchecked, can bring the USA down.

At some point it would be smart for liberals to keep in mind that conservatives also have the guns and ammo.

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