Monday, May 20, 2019

Third term win for Aussie conservative "shocks" the left

Australia's Scott Morrison will serve for a third term as Australian Prime Minister after having campaigned on a platform of of pro business and cutting taxes while completely ignoring the left's platform of fixing the world through bigger government.  In other words, topics like addressing climate change, taxing the rich and adding more government "services" to support the lower classes.

In politics you have to watch the terminology closely.  In the US if you call someone liberal, that means "left", "big government", "freebees to labor" and the like.  But the two prominent political force today in Australia are the Liberal National coalition government (the right) and the Labor party (what's left).  In fact, Australia's use of the term liberal in the name of the right's movement is not uncommon in the world.  Many conservatives even here in the US who have studied political history will refer to themselves as a "classical liberal" meaning liberal in the way it used to be defined, as a derivation of the word liberty.  It should not be confused with social liberalism which has since evolved into a free for all of free thinking that is now so extreme that Walter Mitty would blush at some of the crazy fantasies today's social liberals loudly spew as if they were real or true.

This election is being touted as the Trump moment down under.  Essentially, it was such an unmitigated shock for the left who believed that they would win like Hillary Clinton supporters thought she was going to win.  The signs for them were clear to see just as the signs of Hillary's loss were clear to see, but you had to actually look for the evidence of the eventual outcome in a very low signal to noise environment.

As the conservative wave spreads across the world we should all be less and less shocked to find that the people want to focus more on real things and less on the liberal fantasies that got us in trouble globally in the first place.

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