Friday, September 28, 2018

CNN airs pro-Kavanaugh/anti-Ford feedback from a group of liberal women.

CNN and other news organizations have looked at the windsock.  Unlike the emotional rabid liberal gangs, these people are more thoughtful and they know when to stop fighting a lost cause.  Why?  Because behind all their socialism front is the requirement to make a profit.  And in order to do that they have to be in synch with their constituents.  And their constituents are not going along with the angry headline liberal bully mob crap.

If the emotional liberals on the street had any brains they would be picking up on this but they are so caught up in their emotional commitment that they are oblivious to the fact that their air cover - fake news - is gone.  Not leaving the scene now, mind you.  I mean fucking gone.  The leftist liberal publications are no longer fanning the liberal flames but instead are now actively pissing on them.  I reported this recently with respect to the liberal leaning WSJ and now we see the same thing from the highly liberal Clinton News Network (CNN).

CNN interviewed some of its liberal constituents shown below and asked them who believes BK and who believes Ford.  All of them voted for BK and against Ford.  And their responses were not wishy washy as in, "well it's kind of hard to know", etc.  NO.  Their responses are very firm and clear: she's full of shit.

As I said, just because someone identifies as a Dem does not mean they are a stupid mindless rabid liberal.  MANY are good people who can put up with some level of political gamesmanship for "their side" but they all see it as having gone too far.  They will not support this kind of childish crap because they know it's wrong.  It's bad for America.

Now let's face it.  Everyone knows CNN is far left.  They could have just seen the reactions of these women and said, well, better bury that interview because it didn't support the attack on BK.  BUT CNN DIDN'T DO THAT and I think it is very telling.  CNN leaders are the upper crust intellectuals of the liberal left and they threw the SJWs under the bus.  Big Time.  If you can't keep these women that CNN interviewed from believing BK and if you can't keep CNN from reporting the truth then it's game fucking over.  What else do you need, a Mack truck to run you over?

This has blown up into yet another HUGE test of the move toward conservatism.  Just like Hillary's failed run at president, this attempt to thwart a valid SCOTUS candidate with lies and bullying tactics is a very important checkpoint.  If BK is confirmed then it is a total slap in the face of all the liberal politicians who led the attack and you can bet that their failure will affect them in the November polls.  I think they would have had a MUCH better outcome at the polls if they had not done this and instead focused on some of Trump's childish behavior.  But noooooo, they had to swing for the fences.

Mighty Casey has struck out.


Chance_Nation said...


"CNN interviewed some of its liberal constituents shown below"

These women were featured in a segment about Republican Women for Kavanaugh. All were described in the chyron as "Republican voters". If you dig into the background of some of these women you'll also find that they aren't even your average run of the mill Republican voter. For example one of the women hosted a large fundraiser dinner for Ted Cruz. Another ran in a Congressional primary for the Republican party. Many of these women have deep ties and are deeply invested in the GOP. I'd be willing to wager that none of these women identify as Dems or liberals.

The Captain said...

Chance, thanks for the correction. Somehow I was led to believe the women were CNN supporters. My mistake. Still, they are all women and not one of them showed any doubt. CNN could have buried that. But my case for this is less strong for reasons you pointed out. Apologies for the error but I never change a post unless to clear grammatical/spelling errors or the like.

Chance_Nation said...


Honest mistake. My stance on the Kavanaugh "job interview" is why rush it? My opinion is that he Supreme Court should at the very least have term limits and be process should be way more democratic. They can have direct impact on millions of lives. Right now is the only time that the public can apply any pressure to the proceedings. Maybe the women that have come forward are making all of this up. Maybe not. Let's investigate. If the Dems are colluding with and coaching these women, why wasn't this tactic employed against Gorsuch? The Dems can barely get out of their own way half of the time. There is already precedence for delaying an appointment. Why was the Garland appointment delayed for over 400 days? That occurred with ZERO evidence of any misconduct, sexual or otherwise. It's important to look at these things in their full context.

Full disclosure, I have a hard time defending prep school products like Kavanaugh. It's anecdotal, but from the ones I've met, it isn't a stretch to imagine occasional crappy behavior from them.

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