Monday, September 20, 2010

Government getting desperate for tax revenue

Ebay sellers that sell more than 200 items per year now have to file income tax paperwork on it:

I suspect that government will continue looking for spare change in the couch cushions to the detriment of the economy.  I also suspect that it will drive more people towards things like Craig’s list and other person-person transactions that attempt to cut the government out of the deal.  And if government starts using computers to monitor Craigslist transactions, how long will it take for someone to come up with some new model that allows buyers and sellers to remain anonymous to government?

As Mish says, corporations are experts at evading tax so it is pretty sad when government tries to crack down on the small guys like this.  At what point does all this paperwork simply cost more than the extra amounts collected?

We all need to stand up in unison and tell government to get smaller.  We are simply tired of paying for government gone wild.
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