Saturday, August 21, 2021

Liberalism is brood parasitism.

Liberalism is not a political party any more than conservatism is.  Its more of a brain wiring function.  Liberalism is the built in desire to consume before producing, and in fact, to consume without producing if there is any way possible.  Conservatism is a built in desire to produce something before you consume it.  That's why professions like politics are strongly liberal and farming is strongly conservative by their very nature.

That is why thieves, con men and vote-buying politicians are all behaving in a liberal way.  They have no desire to work for what they consume but they will work very hard to steal the production of those who do work to produce.  Liberalism is parasitism.  The cow bird is nature's liberal example.  It wants to propagate its species but it does not want to do the work needed. So it lays its egg in the nest of other species of birds so that other birds will raise their chicks.

The chicks of the cow bird are larger than those of the scammed parents of the other chicks and so the other chicks are pushed out of the nest by the baby cow bird so it can have all the food.  The other chicks simply hit the ground and die because they are not smart enough to kill their attacker and dump its lifeless ass out the nest.  You can see more about that in this short vid.  The author of that vid calls it "brood parasitism".

So now comes the interesting part.  Cow birds don't raise their own chicks.   Other normal "conservative" birds do.  So how does the cowbird chick, which never grew up learning how to be a cowbird, eventually end up being a cowbird?  It's not that some cowbirds are occasionally brood parasites and some go build their own nests and lay eggs and raise their young.  This site tells us that "The cowbirds' nesting behavior may seem cruel or clever, depending on your particular bent, but it is the only way they have to reproduce. They cannot build nests of their own, so they must rely on other birds both to incubate their eggs and raise their offspring."  Note that interesting choice of words, "can't build their own nest".  This is the liberal view of it.  Other sites are more clear and tell us that the females "choose" not to build their own nest.  There is nothing about the cowbird that stops them from doing the work themselves except the fact that their brains are wired to steal the labor of others.

So again, how do cowbird chicks grow up to be cowbird adults doing cowbird brood parasitism?  They never saw it happening when they were young!  All they saw was their adoptive parents working their asses off.  And so the truth of it is simple: it's hard wired somehow in the brain.  And so I believe that it is in humans as well.

Crocodile sex is determined by temperature of the eggs during incubation.  If it is cool, around 30 degrees C, the hatchlings are all female.  If 34 degrees C, hatch all males.  I think liberalism and conservatism work in a similar but different way.  If the population is too well fed for too long, I suspect, then more newborns are wired as liberals.  If the population has to struggle more for food then newborns are wired as conservatives.

The west is at the end of a long cycle of fake money creation which has created a lot of temporary prosperity in western cultures.  But we now have to deal with the dyed in the wool (wired in the brain) liberals that this prosperity has generated.  

On the flip side, look at Hungary and look at Poland.  They have NOT been through the same prosperity cycles and so their governments and people are wired conservative.  Also, look at China.  Look at all the production that China generates.  This is clearly the sign of a conservative people.  The Chinese produce a lot and then consume a little of it and then send the rest to the west.  The west produce a little and then consume all of it and then ALWAYS have a monster and growing trade deficit (meaning we import more than we export which is simply saying we consume more than we produce).

If you go back to the articles on cowbirds, the female cowbird often destroys some of the young (or eggs) of the targeted adoptive mother.  This is what is happening in our schools as they target our children with masks (which will certainly have a long term negative effect on their psychologies) and with their forced experimental vax programs.  This is the cowbirds kicking some of the existing children out of the nest in order to make room for the illegal immigrants being sped across our borders and then distributed throughout the country by the Biden military. At the same time, nobody is pushing the vax or masks on the illegal undocumented aliens.  There is clearly a strategy here.

Some of the parents attacked by cowbirds are too damned stupid to recognize that brood parasitism is being practiced against them.  Others detect the scam and have strategies to counteract it.

And if you read the science, it describes brood parasitism as just another survival strategy which in fact is what it is.  And so this is why it will eventually come down to war.  It is in fact a matter of survival.  If we do not stop what is going on, we will be displaced because we were too stupid and scared of being labeled in order to see this concerted, organized, determined attack for what it is: a parasitic infection that needs to be taken care of with extreme prejudice.

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