The actions of Margraves have historically been seen as a gross criminal violation. I mean, to attempt assault in front of the cops, the judge and indeed a global viewing audience should by all rights and by all standards of the past 50 years be dealt with harshly by the do-as-I-say-but-not-as-I-do system. This being the case, why am I not surprised that nothing happened to him for this outburst?: "Margraves, 58, later apologized for the outburst, and the judge let him go without any punishment or charges.". He didn't even get a public hand slap. I bet the cops patted him on the back after leaving the court room from his apology telling him they don't blame him and they would have done the same. I'd bet money on it. So why is this happening now?
Yeah, you guessed it - the move to the conservative way of thinking is the reason. When liberals were running the show we were all supposed to outsource our personal affairs to the government for resolution. Any beef with anyone needed to have the entire overhead of big government involved. Only government had the right to avenge wrong doings. Anyone who attempted to go around this government monopoly on distributing justice would be treated as an antisocial criminal. Many people have been brainwashed into thinking that government involvement is the only way to handle things but there were many advantages to the old ways before there was such massive big brother government in everyone's lives.
Let's say the neighborhood 18 year old still-live-at-home kid is caught red handed burglarizing your car. Man, you caught him dead to rights and have CCTV video to prove it all. If you call the cops (and assuming they don't get confused in their steroid pumped stupor when they arrive and shoot you by mistake) they are going to take the kid and put a big black mark on his record that can push him into the cycle of crime even deeper. Pretty soon the kid is essentially unemployable for life because of few mistakes of his youth. And there is a pretty good chance that the kid just fell in with the bad crowd and did not have any male authority figure in his life to teach him morals.
Now let's say we take it a different way. The kid is caught in the act and Bruno from the Nassar vid (that's not his name, its his body type...) grabs the young punk by the collar and slaps the shit out of him a few times. At least enough so the kid is scared dickless and broken down to tears and at least says he's sorry for the crime. And then Bruno, showing proper adult self control commensurate with the crime, stops slapping the kid and instead tells him in a firm tone of voice that he's lucky he did not get shot for what he was doing (it is legal to shoot a car burglar, especially at night, in Texas). He gets the kid's ID information and then walks the kid back to his own family by the scruff of his neck and forces the kid to admit his crime to his parents. Then Bruno, with justice properly and fairly done, walks away and forgives and forgets. In this scenario, the kid is probably going to be actually sorry for his crime to the point of never doing it again but it will not have to follow him through his life. The next time Bruno sees the kid on the street he waves to the kid to show him no hard feelings. That is the way things used to be done before we outsourced our security and all our other personal matters to big government.
Now let's go back to Mr. Margraves for a second. The brain washed among you might think he is a disgusting brute for not letting the big government handle everything. But what Margraves did was an act of healing to his family and do not be so foolish as to not see it. By lunging at that prick of a "doctor", Margraves told his daughters that "your lives matter". Margraves made it clear that he did not outsource the justice to someone else. He defied the court openly and damn the consequences. How do you think his daughters felt about seeing that? Do you think they were embarrassed for daddy's outburst or do you think they worship the ground he walks on as being their own little hunk of Chuck Norris male protection figure?
If you haven't figured it out yet, here is a clue for you. This screen cap was taken before Margraves requested that he be allowed to beat the shit out of Nassar. The grief and sadness is overflowing and these girls have that "I'll never be whole again I wonder if I will kill myself when this is all over" look on their faces. Where is the sense of relief that real justice is being done? THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT PROVIDE THIS TO VICTIMS! And yes, these girls are at risk emotionally here. This is a deep, deep emotional wound that many tender minds can never recover from.
Now, look how things changed just after daddy asked the court to be allowed to fuck Nassar up:
That's the face of a girl who can hold her head up going forward. Why? Because she's got peeps. She's got family. She's got the real social safety net that cannot be provided by big government. When this girl goes out with her friends the next time do you think they will all be crying and down in the dumps and make the victim(s) further immerse themselves in endless sorrow or are they going to say "daaaaaamn girl, your daddy a bad ass. I feel sorry for Nassar if they ever let him out of the slam". And when they say that these girls will no longer feel victimized but rather like they have regained control of their lives. THAT IS REAL HEALING.
This is something that our big government justice system cannot provide. This is why I firmly believe that if the lives of your loved ones actually matter that family has to step in as protector when wrong is done to them. Call it vigilante justice if you like. Call it whatever negative sounding name that the liberals have created for it while hoping to shame the conservative members of the herd into outsourcing their personal security and happiness to big government. I for one look back in history and I see that what I am talking about used to be the norm. And I'm telling you that when the debt Ponzi goes bust in the future, AS IT EVENTUALLY MUST, that these old/disparaged/forgotten ways will be re-learned in the future. A broke government does not have the resources to maintain order. The old ways are the gold ways.
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