Sunday, April 13, 2014

Get ready to learn some hard truths.

The global debt Ponzi is in the collapse phase.  The contracting credit will occur much faster than many people can imagine (think Q4 2007 but much worse).  Without ever-expanding debt, the organized crime cartel running the US government has peaked and from here on it is down hill.  Like any other organized crime organization, it will collapse from within as individuals seek to trade their own  safety and avoid jail time by ratting out their co-conspirators.  Lois Lerner over at the IRS is now on the hot seat.  She has been cited for contempt of congress.  If convicted it will likely mean loss of her fat and undeserved pension which she now needs because she is basically an unemployable pariah.  Not even the liberal political machine will have her despite her past attempts to suck up to them with illegal political favors.  A conviction could even mean jail time.

So now, corrupt criminal Lois Lerner has to make a decision: roll over on someone above her or stand there as a ton of bricks buries her forever.  All I can say is that if Congress is smart they would offer her witness protection right now and take her off the streets before she has an accident.  It might not be the fat government pension that she was hoping for but it's better than nothing and it reduces the possibility of her untimely death.  Of course, the real problem isn't the targeting of conservatives by the IRS.  The real problem is that the herd is chanting for blood and so Congress, which has been sitting on its useless ass for many years, will now give us blood.  It's how Congress intends to distract the people from its own criminal activities.   If Lerner gives up her boss, then he will be squeezed and he will rat out 10 others above him.

That's just the way it works when a criminal enterprise loses the ability to conduct the operations that made it powerful in the first place.  The happenings such as those at Bundy Ranch and the unexpected loss at JP Morgan are completely related to the hot seat that Lerner will be grilled in over the coming weeks.  I believe that she will crack.  Obama better send goons out to murder her ASAP or the people might learn some unexpected and very hard truths about the level of corruption in government.  Not just the Obama administration!  ALL federal government since Ike.  The corruption has been there all along but it got larger and larger in locked step with the exponential growth of debt which was used to fund all of the illegal activity.

I'm going to say it until people can no longer deny it: 90+ percent of all the problems in the world have to do with the acceptance of a fraudulent money supply which, in aggregate, rewards corruption and punishes honest productive people.  Take away the dishonest money, which consists of a dynamic dastardly duo of fiat currency but especially fractionally reserved banking, and the feedback mechanism of free markets will collapse 90+ % of the outrageous abuses going on at all levels of society.  After the collapse, which will certainly be one for the record books of the world, the main thing we the people need to achieve is a basic understanding that dishonest money is a drug and a disease that we can never, ever allow into our society again.  Unfortunately, it's far too late to fix the system.  You can't fix fraud.  You can only collapse it and start over.  Anyone hoping for a soft landing is a complete fool.

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